Page 24 - TPI Victoria Inc. CHINup Winter 2018 Edition-FINAL_Neat
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This special edition of the Veteran Community Newsletter details the Victorian
Government’s continuing support for veterans in the Victorian Budget 2018/19.
The Budget fosters support and respect for veterans with new funding for a range
of targeted programs and initiatives.
Enhancing Victoria’s ex-service organisations and their facilities
Ex-Service Organisations (ESOs) play a significant role in ensuring the wellbeing of
veterans and their families through advocacy, social programs and welfare
support. ESOs also have a long and proud role in the community life of Victorian
communities and we want to make sure this continues.
The Victorian Government is committing $2.4 million to upgrading and enhancing ESO facilities for broader
community use and participation, which in turn will support their sustainability. In addition, we are committing
over $1 million to provide training and support to ESOs to build their capacity and capability to continue their
vital work.
Free Public Transport for Veterans
In Victoria, we know that commemoration is not only critical for the wellbeing of veterans; it is the best way to
demonstrate the community’s gratitude for and recognition of their service. To ensure more people can
participate in commemoration, the Victorian Government is extending current free travel arrangements on
ANZAC Day to also apply to Remembrance Day and Vietnam Veterans Day. This applies to veterans, war
widows, school students, Australian Defence Force (ADF) cadets, Scouts and Girl Guides. In addition, veterans
will have access to free public transport during Veterans Health Week.
Jobs for veterans through the Veterans Employment Initiative
Here in Victoria we believe that the skills and experience gained in the ADF are second-to-none. However, many
veterans lack private sector experience and the requisite training to make them ‘site ready’. This initiative will
address barriers to employment for veterans and facilitate the employment of veterans on some of Victoria’s
biggest infrastructure projects.
Stamp Duty exemption for ADF members
The Victorian Budget 2018/19 will also support ADF current serving members in a way that recognises the special
nature of their job. ADF personnel do not live at home while they serve abroad or live on base. The Budget
includes a special exemption for service personnel from stamp duty concession criteria that requires applicants
to live in their new home as their principal place of residence within a year of settlement for a continuous period
of at least 12 months.
Getting things right for veterans
The Victorian Budget 2018/19 commits $200,000 to developing a business case for a joined-up Veterans’
Services Hub, to address issues including better access to and less duplication of services, and to best support
the great work of ESOs. A further $200,000 is committed to evaluating the success of the Veterans’ Transitional
Accommodation Project. We are also funding an awareness campaign to highlight the positive attributes of
veterans, and working to develop an up to date data snapshot of Victorian veterans so we can better target
policy and services to meet their needs.
Funding announced in the Victorian Budget 2018/19 is in addition to the ongoing funding, which supports the
Shrine of Remembrance, the Anzac Centenary, the War Heritage and History Strategy and more. Information
about the Victorian Budget 2018/19 is available at
The Hon John Eren MP
Minister for Veterans