Page 36 - TPI Victoria Inc. CHINup Winter 2018 Edition-FINAL_Neat
P. 36


          We have great pleasure in welcoming the following New
          Members & Associate Members to TPI Victoria Inc. and thank them
          for coming on board and becoming part of our community.
                                                    New TPI Members:
           Fiona Salomons           Australia                    2Mov
           William Furey            RAN - Vietnam                HMAS Derwent
           Keith Crew               RAN                          HMAS Cook
           Ronald Sumers
           Allan Beale              Australia                    IED/EOD Control Centre W/A and NT
           Alan Eaton               Australia                    1Rar/3RAR/8/9 RAR Sch of Inf/ LWC / Sch of Sigs
           Riordon Munn             RAN Peacekeeping             HMAS's:  Anzac,  Yarra,  Duchess, Snipe,  Supply,
                                                                 Melbourne, Parramatta, Torrens, Hobart, Brisbane
           Barry Hildebrand         RAN – Vietnam                Navy Comms
           Kevin Crerar             Vietnam                      1 Field Squadron, 3 Troop
           John Laughton            RAN – Korea                  HMAS Sydney
           Brian Scott              RAN – Vietnam                HMAS Sydney

                                                New Associate Members:
           Connie MacKenzie                  Joan Spittle                      Sean Moffit
           Jennifer Ferguson                 Michelle Wingrave                 Mary Tucker
           Charles Skidmore                  Barbara Poland                    Carolyn Murphy
           William OÇonnor                   Sandra Cotter                     Ann Underwood
                     Welcome & Thank You for becoming Members of TPI Victoria Inc.

                                ~ Supporting Veterans & their Families ~

         Just a Tricky Little Jar!

          An 85-year-old man goes to see his doctor for his regular physical exam. The doctor says that the man
          needs to provide a semen sample and gives him a jar saying, "Take this jar home with you and come back
          tomorrow with a semen sample."

                                 The next day the old man goes back to the doctors and gives him the jar, which is
                                 as clean and empty as when the doctor gave it to him.  So the doctor asks what
                                 happened and why there is no sperm sample in the jar.  The old man says, "Well,
                                 doc, it's like this... first I tried with my right hand, but nothing. Then I tried with my left
                                 hand, but still nothing.  Then I asked my wife for help. She tried with her right hand
                                 - nothing; then with her left, still nothing. She tried with her mouth, first with the teeth
                                 in, then with her teeth out, still nothing.  We even called up Maisie, the lady next
                                 door and she tried too, first with both hands, then an armpit, and she even tried
                                 squeezing it between her knees, but still nothing."

          The doctor is really shocked by all this and asks incredulously, "You asked your neighbour???"  The old man
          replies, "Yep, not one of us could get the jar open."
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