Page 38 - TPI Victoria Inc. CHINup Winter 2018 Edition-FINAL_Neat
P. 38


                    Waverley.  In 1976,  Kath joined  the  War  Additionally she  has  given  considerable support  to
           Widows Guild and Vasey Housing Ltd, which was the  neighbours experiencing  illness and problems and
           housing  company of  the  War  Widows Guild. Both  immigrants experiencing re-settlement problems.
           companies  were  raising funds  and acquiring
           properties   to provide low cost but      quality  New neighbours can expect fresh veggies from her
           accommodation for ex-service women, war widows  garden, baked goodies and a cheerful welcome and
           and their families. In 1980 Kathleen’s husband died, his  regular support.
           death  attributed  to  war service and Kath  became
           sole parent of three stepchildren and was now herself  In  2017, Kath  was awarded  the Sir John  Monash
           a war widow.                                       Award by the City of Monash for her contribution to
                                                              the local community. There would have been many
           From 1976 to 1983 after many years volunteering she  ex-service  widows and families  who  live  within  the
           was appointed  to  the Fund Raising  Committee  of  electorate  who would have  benefited  from  the
           Vasey Housing , and in 1998 joined the Vasey Housing  organisation, which she has served so selflessly and so
           Board Ltd where she become involved in selection of  well.
           land for suitable development, site development and
           construction for new accommodation. This involved  Kath was a proud flag raiser for the City of Monash in
           arranging the sale of properties, which were in need  2018 at their Australia Day Celebrations when she was
           of  significant refurbishment  with  the sale proceeds  joined Wurundjeri  Eldar,  Ian Hunter  and Mayor Cr.
           used  to build  newer  accommodation  that is more  Paul Klisaris (as seen in the photo, which was taken by
           appropriate.                                       Jorge de Araujo).

           In  2006, Vasey Housing  Ltd  and  the RSL housing  As mentioned, in 2018 Kath has received an Order of
           subsidiaries  amalgamated  to become  Vasey RSL  Australia; however, it must be highlighted  that Kath
           Care Ltd and Kathleen retired from the Board. Kath  has always shunned recognition of her work preferring
           remained  on  the War Widows’  Guild  Victorian  to “get on with it”. This is why we celebrate Kath and
           committee,  which  she  joined  in 1998, and remains  all  the other  Kaths’  (or  Ken’s)  who  go above  and
           today at the wonderful age of 91 years old and she is  beyond for others.
           still advocating for war widows and their families.
                                                              If you are at that stage in life when you have some
           Kathleen  has  also been  a  zone representative for  spare time then I would encourage you to consider
           Neighbourhood  Watch for  Monash  Area  24  since  volunteering. You will be surprised to find that not only
           1995 during which she has distributed newsletters and  do you enhance the life of those you assist but enrich
           contributed  to  the  continued administration and  your own by doing so.
           operation of the area.                                                                    Jill Wilmott
                                                                                    War Widows’ Guild - Victoria

                                                                         Pilot: “Folks, we have reached our cruising altitude now, so I
                                                                         am going to switch the seat belt sign off. Feel free to move
                                                                         about as you wish, but please stay inside the plane till we
                                                               ’s a bit cold outside, and if you walk on the wings it
                                                                         affects the flight pattern.”

                                                                         And on arriving at London's Heathrow Airport, the Pilot
                                                                         announced:  "Ladies  and  gentlemen,  I'm  pleased  to  report
                                                                         that we have arrived on time since, owing to a stroke of luck,
                                                                         we managed to find the airport at the first attempt."

                                                                         And Remember, "As you exit the plane, please make sure to
                                                                         gather all of your belongings.  Anything  left  behind  will  be
                                                                         distributed  evenly among the flight attendants.  Please do
                                                                         not leave children or spouses.”
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