Page 42 - TPI Victoria Inc. CHINup Winter 2018 Edition-FINAL_Neat
P. 42
It is with regret that we advise of the passing of the following TPI Victoria Inc. Members:
John Bertram Traynor Australia RAN
Allan Richard Kleeman Australia 3rd Div AASC
Keith James Freeman Borneo/Pacific Isles 2/9 Armed Reg
Ross Robert Clarke Vietnam 106 Fld W/Shops
Ernest William Rowe WW2 22 Inf Batt AAPS
Ernest G Poole WW2 RAN
Arthur Desmond Robinson WW2 23rd Heavy AA
Lindsay Ernest Simpson Vietnam 1 Fld Sqdn
Michael E Dunn Vietnam 1 Fld Sqdn
Geoffrey Phillip Robson Australia RAN
Maxwell Henry Wright Australia RAN
Ronald E Degering Malaya 1st Arm Reg
Peter Kingsley Bonser Korea HMAS ANZAC
Thomas K Lavelle Australia 64 Aust Searchlight Batt
Norman S Jemmeson Borneo 2/3 Port Opp
Aubery Clarence Smith WW2 2nd/2nd Pioneer Btn
Harold Leslie Prosser Vietnam 6 RAR
William E Norman OAM WW2 37/52nd Inf Btn
Trevor Gearge Lupton Darwin 7 Btn
George Edward Sewell Korea/Malaya RAN
Dennis James Murphy Vietnam HQ 1ATF
Richard John Pearson Vietnam RAN
Robert Sweetland Sth Pacific HMAS AQUE & GOULBURN
William Fitzgerald New Guinea/Bouganville 109 & 126 Aust BDE W/Shops
John Bardsley Malaysia/Borneo/Vietnam RAN
Robert Garnos Spalding Vietnam 1st Arm Reg Tec Support
James Gordon Harman WW2 SWPA 9th Army Troop RAE
Garry Lobb Vietnam 2 SAS 2 Sqd
Kenneth John Ross FESR HMAS ANZAC
Glenda Wolff Associate Member
Keith John Jones Vietnam 1 APC Sqd 3 CAV
John William Wilson Pacific/Borneo 2/15th BAT 9th DIV
John Griffiths BCOF 113 Cipher TP
Bruce Henry Hussey Vietnam 17th Const Sqd RAE
Stephen John Underwood Vietnam 1 RAR
Rodney Kenneth Smith Vietnam 161 RECCE
Geoffrey Keith Bailey Vietnam 6 RAR
Francis Albert Dring WW2 New Guinea
John Laughton RAN – Korea HMAS Sydney