Page 8 - TPI Victoria Inc. CHINup Winter 2018 Edition-FINAL_Neat
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                      6  TPI VICTORIA INC. • CHINup WINTER 2018 • WWW.TPIVIC.COM

                                                       A New Era Begins…

          For those who have not yet been informed Peter Holz has retired from the Executive
          Committee of the Association and in particular from his role as the Associations’
          Welfare Officer with effect from the AGM in March this year.

           Peter and his wife Kaye decided it was time to spend  Experience has shown that the majority of our members
           more time with their family rather than everyone else’s!  and their carers are taking advantage of these websites
           Good luck to you both and your family in the future.  and they do find the information that they are looking
           Your selfless, determined approach to all the issues that  for. A common problem being experienced is  the
           you  have dealt  with during  your time  is  greatly  amount  of information  provided and it  can get
           appreciated, and this is the legacy that you leave to all  frustrating looking for exactly what they need.  This is
           the members of the Association.                    a problem for all of us these days with the owners of
                                                              these sites trying to cram as much information about
           So who will take his place you ask?  Well for those who  their ‘product’ onto the site.
           do not know, Shane Turner has been Peter’s understudy
           for some time now and has been appointed as the new  So having  said  all that,  what  is the  role  of the  TPI
           TPI Victoria Inc. Welfare Officer.                 Welfare Officer in 2018? It is still very much a Welfare
                                                              orientated role but it has been changed to assistance and
           The way welfare services are provided to our members  backup role rather than a first response as it was in the
           has changed dramatically over the past few years.  The  past.  The Welfare Officer will continue to represent the
           majority of our members are now ‘hooked up’ to the  Association at the many meetings conducted by other
           internet and know how to access the many veteran web  veteran organisations in Victoria.
           sites such as DVA and the RSL.
                                                              Finally, if all your efforts have failed to find an answer
           These  sites contain  very  comprehensive  information  to your welfare problem, you still can contact the TPI
           and can answer  just about every  query  a  member  or  Office during business hours and someone will assist
           carer may have in regards to welfare.              you.  Leave a message if there is no immediate answer.
                                                              Your message will be responded to as soon as possible.
           The  new  way of  delivering welfare  support  to  our
           members is now very much a ‘self- service’ process.  The  For all after hour’s emergency welfare issues please call
           role of the Welfare Officer is no longer a ‘first contact’  Shane Turner on 0438428932 (this is his personal mobile
           as it once was.                                    number) and he will provide assistance.

                                                                     TPI Victoria Inc.

                                                                         Same Building, Same Contacts –
                                                                       Just down the hallway about 20mts!

            Yes, due to some moves occurring within the Red Cross Building, TPI Victoria Inc. has had to move its Head
          Office – only about 20mts down a hallway, but still had to do the good fun work of packing, moving unpacking
           and losing stuff – please persevere with us as we settle into our new office, we are trying not to have it impact
                  on our operations and to date it is going well and we appreciate your consideration with this.
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