Page 16 - MCAG - Regional Waste Athority Director - Proposal 06 14 19
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Executive Recruitment Proposal
RECRUITING MCAG - Regional Waste Authority Director
We are able to begin the recruitment process immediately upon receipt and execution of a contract or professional ser-
vices agreement, or purchase order, etc.
Following is a typical schedule for conducting recruitment efforts. Search efforts of this scope generally take three to
four months to complete, allowing enough time for all phases of the process.
Key Target Points / Scope of Work:
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11
Ideal Candidate, Brochure Design and Launch
Candidate Pool Development: Sourcing and Contact of Candidates
Candidate Phone Screens, Present Recommendations
In Person Interviews
Background and Reference Checks
Week 1 Week 2 Weeks 3-6 Weeks 7-8 Weeks 9-10 Weeks 10-11
Ideal Candidate Profile Kick-Off Binder & Open Window of Applicant Materials Binder On-Site Interviews Background Check,
Launch Application References & Offer
During the initial stages Once the window closes, K&A will also assemble
of the recruitment, Assembling K&A’s Once the brochure K&A will wrap up phone a an On-Site Interview Once it is determined
K&A will work with key Kick-Off Binder, we will goes live, the aplica- screens and assemble our Binder, including a list to which candidate you
stakeholders to define present all materials to tion window remains recommendations based of questions for use by would like to extend an
the Ideal Candidate your team for oversight open for 30 days. on each conversation. We the panelists. offer, K&A will initiate a
Profile and review. At the end will send a full summary of background investiga-
of the second week, During this time, K&A the candidate pool, includ- A recruiter from K&A’s tion including profes-
Our team will develop a we will agree upon the will develop a sourcing ing visually friendly data, team will be available sional references.
brochure, phone screen brochure layout and and maketing cam- in our Applicant Materials to attend and facilitiate
questions, projected design, and K&A will paign to tactfully grow Binder. the on-site interviews. K&A will also facilitate
timeline, an ad list, and post the job to the se- the candidate pool. the negotiation of the
other materials unique lected job boards and Your team will then take offer as requested.
to the position, based send mailers. time to review, and select
on the Ideal Candidate a slate of candidates to A start date will then be
Profile. invite for a round of on-site determined.
K&A will schedule the se-
lected candidates, and any
panelists as requested.
2835 Seventh Street, Berkeley, California 94710 | 510.658.5633 |