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Executive Recruitment Proposal
RECRUITING MCAG - Regional Waste Authority Director
Our professional lump-sum, Not-To-Exceed fee for the described executive search services for the Regional Waste Au-
thority Director position at the Merced County Association of Governments is $18,000.
The above fee includes our professional fee and the expenses we anticipate for advertising.
We would expect the following schedule of payment:
1. Completion of all advertising efforts: 25% of professional fee
2. Completion of application review: 25% of professional fee
3. Completion of entire interview process: 25% of professional fee
4. Once offer of employment is made: 25% of professional fee
* We offer the option of dividing our process into individual phases as outlined below:
Phase 1 1 $4,500
Phase 2 1 $4,500
Phase 3 1 $4,500
Phase 4 1 $4,500
Total $18,000
2835 Seventh Street, Berkeley, California 94710 | 510.658.5633 |