Page 3 - HACSB - Brief Proposal - 07 24 19
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2835 Seventh Street  510-658-5633  2835 Seventh Street  510-658-5633
 Berkeley, CA 94710  Berkeley, CA 94710
                                                                                             K&A Recruiting

                                            The recruitment process is broken down into four phases:

                                                 LAUNCH        RECOMMENDATIONS     INTERVIEWS          OFFER
              FOUR PHASES                        Phase 1:          Phase 2:          Phase 3:         Phase 4:
                                                 Steps 1-3        Steps 4-6         Steps 7-9        Steps 10-12

                                           Our professional lump-sum, Not-To-Exceed fee for the described executive search services for
                                           the Assistant Director of Housing Services position with the Housing Authority of the County of
                                           San Bernardino is  $18,000.

                                           Our fee includes our professional fee and the expenses we anticipate for advertising.

               COST                                                     TOTAL


                                                               Phase 1:  Completioin of Advertising
                                                               Phase 2:  Recommendation of Candidates
                                                               Phase 3: Completion of Entire Interview process
                                                               Phase 4: Offer of Employment

                                           We are able to begin the recruitment process immediately upon receipt and execution of a
                                           contract or professional services agreement, or purchase order, etc.
                                           Following is a typical schedule for conducting recruitment efforts.  Search efforts of this scope
                                           generally take three to four months to complete, allowing enough time for all phases of the
            TIMELINE                       process.

                                                          AUGUST    SEPTEMBER   OCTOBER    NOVEMBER    DECEMBER

                                              Phase 1
                                              Phase 2
            August - December
              FOUR PHASES                     Phase 3
                                              Phase 4

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