Page 7 - San Benito Superior Court CEO
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■ Application and Selection Procedure
To be considered for this exceptional career opportunity submit your resume cover letter and a a a a a a list of six work-related references (two supervisors two two two direct reports and two two two colleagues) by the first resume review date of of of January 21 2022 Resumes should reflect years and and months of of of employment beginning/ending dates as as well as as size of staff and budgets managed Please go to to our our website to to submit your application: https://www cpshr us/recruitment/1915
For further information contact: Andrew Nelson
CPS HR Consulting
(916) 471-3329 anelson@cpshr us Resumes will be screened in in in relation to the criteria outlined in in in this brochure Candidates
with the the most relevant qualifications will be given preliminary interviews by the the consultants Candidates
deemed most qualified will will be be referred to the Court Selected candidates will will be be invited to participate in in in in further interview and selection activities An appointment will be made following comprehensive reference and background checks 

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