Page 107 - TRWRR 6-8-2017_Neat
P. 107
The Red Well-Read Reader
Story 167
Her Hospital Stint
As the runners started their sprint, Rwanda slipped and fell. Her broken leg had
to be set in a splint.
Friends visited her with candy, flowers, and mint. And there in the hospital during
her month-long re•cov•er•y stint, by dint of hard work she learned how to
perfectly print.
Story 168
On an Ocean Trip
On a fun trip, they zipped along at a fast clip, while porpoises below would do
ac•ro•ba•tic flips.
Their ship had a pool in which swimmers would take an oc-ca•sion•al dip; but mostly
the passengers would sit around eating potato chips with various dips.
Aboard ship was a pe•cu•liar man named Skip, who made everyone laugh with one
after another quip. Evidently, though, he had lost his grip: he wore a woman's
see-through slip, and lit cigars with ten-dollar scrip. What’s more, he called his
liquor bill a gyp, then refused to give his waiter a proper tip.