Page 182 - TRWRR 6-8-2017_Neat
P. 182

The Red Well-Read Reader

        Story 323

                                                     No Bunk

               There is:

                    The bed bunk              The cattail punk               The dull clunk

                    The bread hunk             & the wise punk               & the dull plunk

                      The wood chunk          The colt’s spunk               The water dunk

                    The soda drunk            The elephant’s trunk           The basketball dunk

                    The gooey gunk            The clothes trunk              The foul funk &

                    The scrap junk            The prayerful monk              The smelly skunk

                                              The dumb clunk

        Story 324

                                                 The Drag Bunt
               When young, Juan learned to drag bunt.  But later as a

               major leaguer he would grunt when asked to lay down

               the bunt.

               His thinking was that if the brunt of his hits were the

               mere bunt, he might as well quit his hunt to be in the

               game’s forefront and see his picture in every storefront.

        Story 325
                                                Hiccoughs Or Hiccups

                       When just a pup Jorge´ would sup his supper so fast that

                       he would in•va•ri•a•bly hiccup.  “ Coke and Pepsi would just

                       make him throw up !  The only thing that worked was a cup

                       of 7-Up.  Believe me, this ain’t no gup!”

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