Page 15 - C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Administrator\My Documents\Work On Wordsvol1 2017.docx
P. 15

snag         tag          wag         stag

                          Label __________                               male deer __________

                                 move back and forth (as a tail) __________

                   a joker or jester __________                            a game __________

                   to become caught (as a hook in a rocky lake bottom) __________

                      without a companion; to go alone (as to a dance) __________

          Exercise 9

                               bam           clam          cram           dam           damn

                                    to study hard for an exam __________

                      to stuff into __________                          a gun sound __________

                                to be sentenced to Satan's home __________

                             a kind of shellfish                         to stop water __________

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