Page 17 - C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Administrator\My Documents\Work On Wordsvol1 2017.docx
P. 17

Exercise 10

                                           amp       camp  cramp  champ

                 victor or winner __________                             sleep out __________

                                 an electrical measure; ampere __________

                  muscle ache __________                      chomp; chafe at the bit __________

            forced tightly together __________                       hamper, hinder __________

                                           damp      clamp      lamp      ramp

                  dank or wet __________                               to bind tightly __________

                                            a light fixture __________

                           an animal rearing on its hind legs in fury __________

              slanted runway __________                       a vegetable (wild leeks) __________

                   to speed up, increase, or increase speed or intensity __________

                                           tamp      scamp  tramp  tamp

                 to pound down or compact soil (as around a fencepost) __________

             to stomp __________                           a vagabond, bum or hobo __________

             a rascal, scalawag, rapscallion __________  postage __________

                  a kind of shellfish __________                       to stop water __________

                                  to walk, tread or step heavily __________

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