Page 270 - Eng & Span for flipbook 2
P. 270

Story 202

                                            The Writer’s Plight

                                 A jour nalist might write to incite the liberal left, or the

                                 conservative right, thus start a little fight. Or she might

                                 write simply to provide the reader with insight.

                                 At times, however, it’s a mite difficult to write when

                                 there is nothing important to cite. Yet it’s the writer’s

                                 duty to write, even with trivia so trite. Whatever the
                                 case, the paper is always right for making an excellent

            Story 203

                                           The Flight of the Playwright

               “‘In days of o ol ld d when knights were b bo ol ld d,’ is corny and o ol ld d,” said the
               knight to the playwright. “And further, it’s a slight to every gallant


               At once the playwright knew he was in a dangerous plight and started
               to shake with fright. “There will be a fight,” said the be-sworded

               knight.  “In the bright moonlight, tonight at midnight will be just right
               for a bloody sight.”

               Now the playwright, who lacked might, had the foresight to know he
               couldn’t win this fight. He also knew that the impending fight would
               likely plight his height.

               So politely he answered, “Sorry, dear knight, perhaps some other night.

               You see, tonight, my plans are too very tight. So good night you bad,
               brave knight.” Then away he fled at the speed of light.
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