Page 69 - TRWW Book One
P. 69

The Red Well-Read Reader

                                                                                                       Story 93

                                                 We Depend on Mom

             There are many affairs to which mother has to attend, because she has many

         children for whom to fend. In the day she works in a big store in                          South Bend.

         Her job is to vend clothes of the fash•ion•a•ble trend. And some nights she must

         bartend. When she returns home she has to spend time with each child who wants

         to  bend her  ear.        She  has  to  mend  socks,  perhaps  send a  letter,  and  always
         lend a hand to fix a meal.

             Thanks to Mom, who is our  bestest friend and whom we highly commend, we all

         should ascend to great heights in the end.

                                                                                                          Story 94

                                                                 Pent up

                             Once upon a time in the city of Trent, there lived an elderly gent by
                             the name of Ghent.        Being pent  up in a penthouse, Mr. .Ghent became

                             dis•con•tent.     So one day he sent his final payment  to the res•i•dent

                             manager, Mrs. Kent.  In•clu•ded was a note in which he said he had

                             no  intent    to pay    the next month's "sky-high rent," and soon to

                             expect his descent        (by which he meant        good-bye to Mrs. Kent).

                             So   Mr. Ghent, who always had the bent                     to  live   in  wilderness

                             wonderment,  went  off into the woods where his final days were

                             spent quite content       - sniffing animal scent, living in a pup tent.

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