Page 11 - MHC Magazine 2018
P. 11

Milnerton Hebrew Congregation - High Holy Days 5779               11
     Message from Gavin Shulman

     Dear Congregants,

     B”H the year 5778 included numerous highlights for the Milner-
     ton Hebrew Congregation, including very successful and well at-
     tend communal dinners and events for the Shabbat Project, Suk-
     kot, Pesach, Shavuot and Purim.

     In January 2018 we were pleased to welcome to MHC Rabbi Hillel
     Bernstein, Rebbetzin Gina Bernstein and their children, Rachel,
     Eli, Yaacov and Elisheva.  Rabbi Bernstein grew up in Milnerton
     and therefore knows our community very well.  We wish our Rab-
     binic couple and their family a long and successful tenure at the

     Whilst we continue to have a community with great potential for growth, there is no doubt
     we should be concerned about securing the future of the MHC. As things stand, our single
     greatest challenge will be how to overcome the apathy of our young families and our youth
     and their reluctance to become more involved in our communal life. If fundamental changes
     in the way we having been operating as a community are required then we as a community,
     not just the Rabbi and the shul’s committee, will need to take whatever steps are necessary
     to implement such changes.

     The Yamim Noraim are a time for refl ection.  Our sages of blessed memory teach us that
     in addition to being judged for our individual actions over this period we are also held to
     account for what we did, and did not do, for the community we live in.  It is therefore my
     sincere hope that every member of our community will commit himself/herself to helping to
     secure a bright future for ourselves and our children and for the MHC.

     Wishing you and your families a Shana Tova Umetuka and well over the fast.

     Gavin Shulman

     President, MHC.
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