Page 38 - 2021-2022 JKM Library Annual Report Highlights
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Staff Accomplishments
          Daniel Nolting, Head of Technical Services
                     Built highly effective and successful in-house full-text student publication database.
                     Continued to explore, learn, and refine new programming languages to support ongoing
                     and new projects.
           Molly Tighe, Archivist and Public Services Librarian
                    Presented “Maximizing Outreach from Collections Grants” at the Society of American
                    Archivists annual meeting

                    Nominated to the Pennsylvania State Historical Records Advisory Board

                    Co-presented on Chatham faculty and archives collaboration for scholars at Linnaeus
                    University, Sweden

          Kate Wenger, Head of Access Services

                    With Amy Lee Heinlen, Duquesne University librarian, conducted a virtual roundtable

                    entitled Person-Centered Library Management: Fostering Engagement and Well-Being in All

                    Library Staff at the spring conference of the Western Pennsylvania/West Virginia Chapter

                    of the Association of College and Research Libraries (WPWVC-ACRL)

                    Had a 400-word book review published in the Journal of Access Services on Library

                    Signage and Wayfinding Design: Communicating Effectively with Your Users, by M. A. Polger
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