Page 35 - 2021-2022 JKM Library Annual Report Highlights
P. 35

University Archives & Special
                                                                 Collections: Outreach
         Chatham University Archives developed and
         presented in-person campus history tours that
         fostered community and university pride among
         alums, staff, faculty, and the public.

         This included a tour presented during the 2021
         Alumni Reunion weekend that featured a
         custom-designed handout and focused on
         upper and lower campus. It was attended by 19
         alums and guests.

         Positive feedback from alumni tour attendees
         led directly to a partnership with CMU’s Osher

         program planned for '22-23 and a new

         partnership with Doors Open Pittsburgh, a local

         non-profit that celebrates Pittsburgh’s unique

         architecture and history.

         A tour of the former Mellon estate was also

         offered to Chatham staff and faculty.                                                                                                                              Archivist& Public Services Librarian Molly Tighe hosting

                                                                                                                                                                                                             the Mellon Estate walking tour.
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