Page 21 - MYGAP RASA FARM 2020
P. 21

3.1 Livestock Management (Birds)

               Livestock Acceptance

               The brooding area is prepared a day before arrival of chicks. Clean and dry wood
               shavings are evenly laid on the floor of the brooding area and the heater will be

               switch on for a few hours before arrival of chicks to heat up the surroundings of the
               chicks. Adequate feed on papers are well placed for easy access to feed to the

               chicks. Rows of nipple line provide access to water.

                       Only high-quality feeds from Leong Hup Feedmill Malaysia Sdn. Bhd are used.

               Feed is stored in a sheltered, well ventilated area and protected from rats, wild
               birds and other pests. It is used on a first in first out basis and stored for not more

               than 7 days. The type of feed used and specifications are attached.

                       Drinking water is collected from an underground source and stored in large

               PVC tanks which can be easily cleaned. Chlorine is than added at 5ppm and left
               overnight before the water is used. Precautions are taken to see that the water is

               not contaminated in any way by organic waste or chemicals. The water is routinely
               collected for laboratory tests to ensure its wholesomeness.

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