Page 2 - Wealth Mgmt Electronic 2017
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PUT YOUR TRUST IN                                             BUILDING SECURITY FOR FUTURE
                                   TEXAS GULF BANK                                               GENERATIONS

                                           t Texas Gulf Bank, N.A., we believe in building       When it comes to long-term financial planning, maintaining and
                                           strong foundations for personal wealth, money         growing your wealth is a primary objective. Equally important is the
                                           management, real estate, and business. We do          desire to provide ongoing security for the people you care about. With

                                   this by building relationships and providing the services and   a trust account through Texas Gulf Bank you can accomplish both:
                                                                                                 sustain and grow your hard-earned portfolio, and ensure your loved
                                   expertise necessary to manage and grow your money. From
                                                                                                 ones have a financially stable future.
                                   checking and savings accounts to loans and trust services, we
                                                                                                 At Texas Gulf Bank, our Personal Wealth Management Services
                                   help build futures for families all across Texas.
                                                                                                 enable you to:
                                   There are many advantages to placing your assets – and your   • Preserve wealth for future generations
                                   trust – with Texas Gulf Bank. For more than four generations,   • Minimize/cover estate taxes
                                   we have helped families throughout the Texas Gulf Coast       • Control when, how, and to whom assets are distributed
                                   region protect and grow the wealth they have accumulated.     • Reduce the unexpected costs of probate
                                   We provide expert management and administration of your       • Keep your affairs private
                                                                                                 • Provide a vehicle for investment growth
                                   portfolio of assets, while always keeping your unique needs
                                   and goals our number one priority.
                                                                                                 OUR INVESTMENT PHILOSOPHY
                                   We view it as both a privilege and a responsibility to help
                                   you achieve your financial objectives. We are committed to    Our tenured team of experienced Wealth Management Officers,
                                   providing the personalized service and customized attention   along with a governing committee of advisors, is dedicated to

                                   you deserve, and should expect, from your financial partner.  providing expert management and administration of your portfolio.
                                                                                                 Our investment philosophy is conservative, with a primary focus on the
                                   Texas Gulf Bank is an independently owned and operated
                                                                                                 preservation and growth of capital over the long-term. We never apply
                                   bank with locations throughout the Texas Gulf Coast region    a cookie-cutter approach – our expertise lies in providing safe and
                                   and Houston. We’ve been through bull markets and economic     practical trust solutions that make the most sense for you
                                   downturns, but through it all one fact remains: we’ve not only

                                   survived, but thrived. For you, that means a strong, stable, and
                                   financially sound partner you can depend on.

                                   Rest assured, we’ll be here when you – and future generations
                                   – need us. Let us earn your trust today
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