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When it comes to selecting a partner for your wealth management we’ll be a trusted advisor and advocate for you. With Texas Gulf
needs, it’s likely you have certain criteria in mind. Fortunately, you Bank as your wealth management partner, you can be assured that
will find that we meet, and exceed, all of your requirements and your legacy will continue to grow under the guidance of experienced
expectations. Specifically, you can expect: advisors who have your best interest in mind.
•Personal Attention
Our Wealth Management Department works closely with you OUR WEALTH MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT
to create an investment program and portfolio that provides the SERVICES AND PRODUCTS
income and safety you desire. We will guide you through the There is much to consider when planning your long-term future,
multitude of options to help you make the most informed and and there are numerous ways to maximize your financial well-being.
appropriate decisions. Our trust officers have the knowledge, experience, and expertise to
• Affordability provide sound recommendations on the trust options that make the
Our compensation is derived primarily from asset management most sense for you.
fees rather than sales commissions. This approach ensures a • Agency/Custodial Accounts
longterm relationship in which we are always your advocate, Investment management for customers as needed
putting your needs first when creating the appropriate investment
solutions for you. • Estate Planning
Estates, Wills, and Probates
• Objectivity
We believe the key to successful money management is centered • Retirement Account Management
on delivering competitive rates of return through quality investments Self-directed IRAs
that meet your specific criteria and requirements. Pension and IRA rollovers
• Trust Administration
• Safety
Assets placed in the Wealth Management Department with Revocable and irrevocable trusts
Texas Gulf Bank are safeguarded with the Wealth Management Charitable trusts
Department. Ultimately, this protects you against loss from
carelessness, fire, dishonesty, or theft. Insurance, audits, and
examinations by governmental authorities provide added security
and peace of mind.
• Reporting
We provide clear and concise reports of all transactions, and asset
reviews are provided regularly to insure you are staying up-to-date
and informed.
• Financial Strength and Experience
For nearly 100 years, Texas Gulf Bank has been helping families plan, Wealth Management Investment Disclosure Notice: Investments
include non-deposit investment products which are not bank
maintain, and grow their wealth. Our long history in Texas, combined deposits, not FDIC insured, not insured by any federal government
with our financial strength and performance over the years, means agency, not guaranteed by the bank and may decrease in value.