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OUR RELATIONSHIP–                                             PERSONAL CHECKING

                                   Doing Business with Texas Gulf Bank                           Gulf Advantage Checking
                                                                                                 Get a free* interest-bearing checking account that pays CD-like rates
                                                                                                 on balances up to $25,000 and refunds nationwide ATM fees up to
                                        t Texas Gulf Bank, N.A., we believe in building strong   $35 per month. These rewards are given monthly when you meet the
                                   A foundations. We build financial security by giving          following requirements:
                                                                                                 •  12 debit card purchase transactions must post and clear per
                                   you the tools you need to manage your money. We build          qualification cycle
                                   businesses by providing them the capital they need to grow.   •  Have at least one Automatic payment or Direct Deposit post and
                                                                                                  clear per qualification cycle
                                   From interest-bearing checking accounts to lending and
                                                                                                 •  You must be able to accept electronic delivery of your monthly bank
                                   card services, we help build futures for businesses            statement and agree to do so in lieu of receiving a paper statement
                                   all across Texas.                                             This account also includes a free Visa ®  Debit Card.
                                                                                                 *Accounts closed within 30 days of opening will be assessed a $15 fee.
                                   Since we opened our first branch in Freeport, Texas in 1913,
                                                                                                 Portside Checking (Non-Interest-Bearing)
                                   Texas Gulf Bank has been a strong, stable, and financially
                                                                                                 Equipped with tools that make it easy to manage, this account includes
                                   secure member of the community. To this day, Texas Gulf       unlimited check writing and itemized reporting designed to help you keep
                                                                                                 track of your cash flow. Maintain an average daily balance equal to or
                                   Bank remains independently owned and operated.                greater than $700 and there is no monthly maintenance fee for this account.

                                   When you bank with Texas Gulf Bank, you get more than         Note: After 25 debits per monthly statement cycle, a 25 cent fee per debit may
                                                                                                 apply (does not include electronic funds transfers). Debit fee n/a if average
                                   just an account number. You get a banker who knows            daily balance is >/= $700.
                                   you by name. Texas Gulf Bank’s experienced decision           The monthly debit fee and monthly maintenance fee are waived, regardless
                                                                                                 of balance, for individuals age 62 or older.
                                   makers take the time to work with you to determine            Gulf Rewards Checking (Non-Interest-Bearing)
                                   what you really need. Our Texas roots are deep, so we         Link your checking account to all your personal accounts with Gulf
                                                                                                 Rewards Checking. With Gulf Rewards you will receive a single, easy-to-
                                   understand the unique dynamics of the people, businesses      read monthly statement that recaps the activity in every personal account
                                                                                                 you hold at Texas Gulf Bank. Gulf Rewards also provides you with cashiers
                                   and industries along the Texas Gulf Coast.                    and basic personalized checks at no charge. You will also receive a
                                                                                                 discount on safe deposit boxes.
                                   Although we’ve been around a while, it doesn’t mean
                                                                                                 VIP High Yield Checking
                                   we’re old fashioned. In fact, Texas Gulf Bank offers all the   Make your checking dollars work harder with our VIP High Yield
                                                                                                 Checking Account. Enjoy all of the privileges of personal checking with
                                   products and technology our national competitors do; we       no transaction limitations, and reap the benefits of an interest bearing
                                                                                                 account with variable interest rates paid monthly. Even better, the rates
                                   just deliver them with hometown personal service.             are tiered. The higher the balance you maintain in your account, the higher
                                                                                                 the interest rate you can earn.
                                   If you are ready for a real, personal relationship with a
                                                                                                 Gulf Steam Money Market
                                   strong and stable bank – then let’s build your financial      Earn interest while maintaining the liquidity of your money. Our Gulf Stream
                                                                                                 Money Market is a tiered account, which means that the more money you
                                   future together. Call or visit the banking center most        have on deposit, the higher the interest rate you can earn. This can help
                                   convenient to you today.                                      you make more from your deposit dollars when you have larger balances.
                                                                                                 Regulation D transaction limits of 6 per statement cycle apply to certain
                                                                                                 transfers from this account.
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