Page 3 - Personal Banking 2017
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                                   Sand Dollar Savings                                           Home Improvement Loans
                                   This savings account keeps your funds accessible and pays a competitive   If you are thinking of an addition or renovation, our home improvement
                                   interest rate, which is compounded and paid quarterly. You do not incur a   loan will help you get started and see you through the entire project.
                                   monthly maintenance fee when you keep a minimum average daily balance   Our flexible terms and competitive rates help you turn your house into
                                   of $200. You do not incur debit fees when you limit your debit transactions   “home sweet home.”
                                   to 2 per month (excluding electronic funds transfers). Further, Regulation D   Home Mortgage Loans
                                   transaction limits of 6 per month apply to certain transfers from this account.
                                                                                                 When it’s time to buy a home, turn to Texas Gulf Bank for an array of
                                   Gulf Rewards Savings (Gulf Rewards checking customers only)   fixed- rate mortgages with a variety of terms. We also provide a full line of
                                   Combine all your personal accounts at Texas Gulf Bank, N.A. with your   conventional mortgage services, including comparative analysis of mortgage
                                   Gulf Rewards Checking and Savings accounts. You will not pay a monthly   options and refinancing of existing mortgages.
                                   maintenance fee on the Gulf Rewards Savings Account and will receive a   Interim Construction Mortgage Loans
                                   slightly higher interest rate than the Sand Dollar Savings account provides.   When you build your dream home, get your interim construction and home
                                   You receive a single, easy-to-read monthly statement that summarizes your   mortgage loans under the same roof. Attractive rates and flexible terms let
                                   activity in every account. Regulation D transaction limits of 6 per statement   you rest easy about your financing and get down to the business of building
                                   cycle apply to certain transfers from this account.
                                                                                                 your home.
                                   Health Savings Account (HSA)                                  Home Equity Loans
                                   Health Savings Accounts help you and your family members save for future   Use the equity in your home to borrow for less. Unlike a home improvement
                                   health expenses tax-free when you have a high-deductible health plan. How   loan, you choose the purpose – to buy a car, for personal expenses, or even
                                   does it work? Begin by opening an HSA at Texas Gulf Bank, deposit tax-  to refinance an existing debt. You get affordable terms and in most cases, the
                                   deductible contributions and then pay your qualified medical expenses from   interest is tax deductible. It’s the only way to borrow that lets you decide how
                                   this account. These expenses include most medical care and services, dental   to use the money and offers the potential for tax savings.*
                                   and vision care. Unused funds in your HSA roll over from year to year, so you
                                   never lose your tax-free investment. Consult your tax advisor on how an HSA    * Consult your tax advisor regarding your individual tax situation.
                                   might benefit you depending on your particular situation.
                                                                                                 WEALTH MANAGEMENT SERVICES
                                                                                                 From estate planning and administration to purchasing an IRA, we will
                                   Certificate of Deposit                                        customize an investment strategy that meets your needs and objectives.
                                   Earn a competitive interest rate for the duration of your time deposit with a   Texas Gulf Bank offers:
                                   Texas Gulf Bank Certificate of Deposit.
                                                                                                 • Estate Planning      • Estate Settlement
                                   Individual Retirement Account (IRA)                           • Estate Administration   • Trustee Services
                                   Save for your retirement years with a Texas Gulf Bank IRA. By contributing   • Investment Agent Services    • Custody Services
                                   annually, you and your spouse may qualify for tax savings, even if you already
                                   participate in an employer-sponsored plan. Consult your tax advisor on how an   Call us to schedule a personal meeting for a complimentary consultation. Our
                                   IRA might benefit you, depending on your particular situation.  experienced Wealth Management Officers will explain our service offerings
                                                                                                 and advise you regarding what fits your financial needs
                                   For more information on these deposit accounts, contact us at   and goals.
                                   800-467-7216 to obtain a Truth-In-Savings disclosure of terms,
                                   conditions, fees, early withdrawal penalties and rate information.  Wealth Management Department Investments include non-deposit
                                                                                                 investments which are:
                                   PERSONAL LOANS                                                • Not bank deposits
                                                                                                 • Not FDIC insured
                                   Automobile, Recreational Vehicle or Boat Loans                • Not insured by any federal government agency
                                   Looking to buy a new car, recreational vehicle or watercraft? Consider a Texas   • Not guaranteed by the bank
                                   Gulf Bank installment loan for its competitive rates and payment schedules   • May decrease in value
                                   devised specifically with your budget in mind.
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