Page 10 - HSR
P. 10
an exterminator come several times [but]
we still have rats.
I still hadn’t found housing a month before school started, so I settled into this space that I found on Craigslist. It was the master bedroom closet, but it was big enough to fit a twin sized bed and a desk and five steps of walking space.
- Sandra, Asian American, female undergraduate
In terms of space, there really isn’t any. I live with four people in one bedroom and one loft. The only bathroom in the house is in the bedroom. We can’t even close the [bedroom] door...but we knew need[ed] the place so that we could go to school.
- Julian, Asian American, male undergraduate
We didn’t have smoke alarms anywhere in the house until last month. There’s black mold in all the bathrooms. The heater doesn’t work. Our dishwasher doesn’t work. We can’t use any of our pantry space because there’s rat poop everywhere, and we’ve had
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