Page 11 - HSR
P. 11

 At one point, there were 15 people living in our six bedrooms. We also have a tent dweller in our backyard right now and someone’s going to be living in our driveway [soon].
-Victor, mixed race, male undergraduate
[My place] is only affordable because we have 5 extra people off the lease living there. Every room that is a double should be a single and we have a girl living in the garage. She's paying over $500 to live in this garage with no insulation [or] heating.
- Emma, Latinx, female undergraduate
I didn’t look for any spots off-campus because I was convinced that I was going to live on-campus with my friends. At that point, it was too late to find even a group. Luckily, my friends let me keep my stuff at their apartment. I just roamed around...slept in the library. I did that all sophomore year.
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.detic osla erew secruos rehto ,revewoh ,ssensselemoh dna ytirucesni gnisuoh fo esuac nommoc tsom eht saw tner hgiH
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:gnitatsaved erew rorre evitartsinimda siht fo secneuqesnoc ehT .gnisuoh evah ton did ton eh taht raeyloohcsehtfogninnigebehttadenrael yldetcepxenu ,tneduts etaudargrednu elam ,xnitaL a ,salohciN ,eetnaraug gnisuoh supmac-no na htiw tneduts POE na gnieb etipseD .ssensselemoh esac eno ni dna ytirucesni gnisuoh fo ecruos a saw stneduts )POE( margorP ytinutroppO lanoitacudE ot seetnaraug gnisuoh decuder ,elpmaxe roF
.regnol ro raey a erew sedosipe rehto ,skeewrosyadwefagnitsalyllacipyt,feirb ylevitaler erew ssensselemoh fo sdoirep tsom hguohtlA .selcihev ni gnivil dna
.snoitidnoc gnivil eseht tpecca ot dah yeht taht tlef
stnapicitrap ynam ,sevitanretla elbadroffa wef dna ,tekram gnisuoh evititepmoc ylhgih a ,stniartsnoc laicnanif gnicaF

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