Page 12 - Phoenix2019
P. 12
From the desk of Director
Dear All
At the outset, I would like to quote the Hadeeth which goes, ‘‘the dearest and nearest among you to me on
the day of Resurrection will be the one who is the best of you in manners.’’
In this world every child is like a seed which has the potential to grow if nourished with love and care un-
der the right guidance. The Central School, Dubai is committed to developing students of high academic
achievement, intellectual curiosity and strong Moral character. As a result, year after year, TCS matriculates
respectful, responsible and compassionate young adults, who are well prepared to tackle the challenges
that lay ahead.
I have had the opportunity to serve this unique institution up close. I’ve seen its commitment to academic
excellence, its dynamic student body, an incredibly committed faculty, and a loving community where the
students and families are proud and supportive of one another.
At TCS our focus is to develop our students as global citizens, with tolerance, respect and appreciation of
diverse culture they live in.
Insha Allah with the support of our wonderful parent community, it is a target that could easily be achieved.
Wishing the school all the very best in all its future endeavors.
PHOENIX 2018-19 2018-19