Page 13 - Phoenix2019
P. 13

From the desk of  Principal

                                                                  End of an academic year is the right time to look back, celebrate the achievements and plan
                                                                  for the New Year with more vigour and determination.
                                                                  We live in a world of constant flux- The newest technology today is old news next week, and

                                                                  perhaps the most affected medium is that of media. We consume media in a vast multitude of
                                                                  ways, but most often, on a screen. With the leaps in the advancement of technology and dig-
                                                                  ital world, written word has become endangered. The drive-through culture applies to more

                                                                  than just fast food: news clippings are short, coffee is taken in shots of espresso and creativity
                                                                  is limited to minute-long Facebook videos about inspirational stories from around the world.
                                                                  Keeping this in mind, we aim to provide our students with a platform, a sharing ground for their
                                                                  thoughts and ideas, a symbiotic relationship with the written world. We realise the massive
                                                                  potential that bubbles in our students and therefore have created the Phoenix in an attempt

                                                                  to allow them to fully achieve it whilst also promoting the ever-so important yet unfortunately
                                                                  steadily dwindling art of reading. We wish to provide an intermediary medium to allow our stu-
                                                                  dents to effectively accomplish their zealous pursuit of their intellectual self-stimulation, whilst

                                                                  simultaneously brewing a cocktail for different ideas and opinions to mingle within.
                                                                  We at TCS believe in educating our children not just with books. We make teaching an enjoy-
                                                                  able experience and in the process build boys and girls of a strong character with a democrat-
                                                                  ic outlook at world affairs. The articles and poems are a testimony to the creativity and freedom
                                                                  that the students enjoy.

                                                                  We acknowledge with sincere gratitude, the contribution made by our very supportive parents
                                                                  in all our endeavours. Without their crucial support we could not have achieved so much.
                                                                  We are also grateful to our chairman Mr. Zakir Hussain Kamaluddin, who gives us freedom to

                                                                  explore ourselves and facilities to give a practical shape to our idea.
                                                                  We are grateful to the KHDA for its support and guidance.
                                                                  Please join me in applauding the hard work and commitment of my team – both teaching and
                                                                  administrative. It is they who make all the difference.
                                                                  I wish to end with a quote by Brain Tracy: “Those people who develop the ability to continu-

                                                                  ously acquire new and better forms of knowledge that they can apply to their work and to their
                                                                  lives will be the movers and shakers in our society for the indefinite future.

                                                                                               MALA MEHRA

                                                                                      PRINCIPAL, THE CENTRAL SCHOOL, DUBAI

                                                                         PHOENIX 2018-19    11
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