Page 10 - Pancake Supply Chain Co-op, Inc. 2017 Annual Report
P. 10


                                                                Sysco Atlanta and Sygma Carolina agreements expire
               DISTRIBUTOR SERVICE                              November 1, 2018.  A Request for Proposal was sent to
               A changing distribution landscape has created a need for   multiple distributors.  CSCS has received responses to
               CSCS Logistics to evaluate the approach to Dine Brands   the proposal and will be making a recommendation to
               distributors.  Distributor performance continued to present   Members in the Southeast in 2nd quarter 2018.
               a challenge to Members and the CSCS Logistics team in
               2017, fueled primarily by dwindling driver and warehouse   DISTRIBUTOR BUSINESS REVIEWS
               personnel resources.  IHOP restaurants are experiencing   Members and their associates were a vital part of seven
               service levels below expectation even from distribution   business reviews with distribution systems that service
               centers that previously provided consistent above standard   IHOP restaurants.  Member participation in the meetings
               deliveries, and distributor / Operator partnerships have   has provided opportunity for distributors to hear firsthand
               been strained.  CSCS continues to address distributor   feedback and an opportunity to better understand current
               performance issues and drive resolution for service   conditions that impact IHOP restaurant operations.
                                                                DISTRIBUTION SATISFACTION SURVEY
                                                                CSCS conducted a systemwide survey in the 3rd quarter
               The Logistics team is forming a Distribution Oversight   of 2017.  The survey was launched this year via email
               Committee comprised of CSCS Member associates to   and utilized Survey Monkey to ask questions regarding
               examine distribution expectations and develop strategies   Managers’ perception of their distributor’s service.  Though
               for our approach to improved distribution service.  the low number of responses received did not provide valid
                                                                results, distributors followed up with Managers to discuss
                                                                their concerns and resolution.  We continue to explore
                                                                survey methods to maximize Manager opportunity to
                                                                provide distribution feedback.

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