Page 435 - Aida Hovsepian Onboarding
P. 435
2/28/2018 CSCS Record Retention and Disposition Schedule
Karen's Personal
Email Drive on the shared Archive the old documents
11. DC Transition Documents related to DC transitions 2009 - current Periodically Excel Business network (X:) Personal Email 3 3 Destroy securely BP 200 Distributor Status Based on the State of
Documents (Karen's) PDF Litigation Folder Change Missouri's Policy
To be moved to One
Karen's Personal
Drive on the shared Karen's Personal Distributor Archive the old documents
12. Distributor Business CSCS's review of distributors' 2012- current Periodically Several Business network (X:) Email Folder for 1 3 Destroy securely BP 180 Performance Based on the State of
Review (DBR) performance format Litigation original emails Management Missouri's Policy
To be moved to One
Karen's Personal
Drive on the shared
13. DBR: Presentation Presentation for each distributor, Business network (X:) Karen's Personal Distributor Archive the old documents
Decks including operators' feedbacks 2012 - current 18 months PowerPoint Litigation Email Folder for 1 3 Destroy securely BP 180 Performance Based on the State of
To be moved to One original emails Management Missouri's Policy
Karen's Personal
Drive on the shared
14. DBR: Business Review Summary of business review for each Business network (X:) Karen's Personal Distributor Archive the old documents
Recap distributor 2012 - current 18 months Word Litigation Email Folder for 1 3 Destroy securely BP 180 Performance Based on the State of
Missouri's Policy
original emails
To be moved to One
Karen's Personal
15. DBR: Business Review Whatever need to follow up on in the Business Drive on the shared Karen's Personal Distributor Archive the old documents
network (X:)
Open Task Monthly business review 2014 - current Monthly Excel Litigation Email Folder for 1 3 Destroy securely BP 180 Performance Based on the State of
Updates original emails Management Missouri's Policy
To be moved to One
Email Archive the old documents
16. Emails Emails, documents, etc. from and to 2009 - current Continuously Excel Business Personal Email None 1 3 Destroy securely BP 130 Distributor Based on the State of
DCs Litigation Selection
PDF Missouri's Policy
Purpose of Existence Minimum Maximum Business Process #
Revision Other Disposition Business Process
Record Name Record Description Years Covered Format (Business, Litigation, Main Location Retention Period Retention Period (CSCS Risk Control Further Comments
Frequency Locations Method Description
Compliance) (in years) (in years) Matrix)
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
7 7
(after expiration) (after expiration) Distributor All agreements should be
1. Transportation Logistics agreements with 3 PLs 2009 - current Need-based Electronic Business HAVI Shared drive Destroy securely BP 180 Performance stored in HAVI only. Check
agreements with 3 PLs Litigation Permanently Permanently Management HAVI's data storage
(for effective (for effective period.
contracts) contracts)
7 7
(after expiration) (after expiration) All agreements should be
2. Confidentiality Business Distributor stored in HAVI only. Check
Agreements with 3 PLs Confidentiality agreements with 3 PLs 2009 - current Need-based Electronic Litigation HAVI Shared drive Permanently Permanently Destroy securely BP 180 Performance HAVI's data storage
(for effective (for effective Management period.
contracts) contracts)
Rebate amounts from DCs, Allocation Based on the State of
3. Freight Rebate 2009 - current Need-based Excel Business Shared drive None 1 3 Destroy securely BP 47 Rebate Management
of rebates to operators Missouri's Policy
4. Freight Analysis Distributor Based on the State of
(workpapers) Freight bracket target analysis 2009 - current Continuously Excel Business Shared drive None 1 3 Destroy securely BP 180 Performance Missouri's Policy
HAVI (workpapers) Distributor
5. RFP documents & 3PL RFP analysis from potential 3 PLs 2009 - current Need-based Electronic Business Shared drive (final None 1 3 Destroy securely BP 180 Performance Based on the State of
quotes Litigation analysis) Management Missouri's Policy