Page 530 - Aida Hovsepian Onboarding
P. 530
policy limit
Insurance Type Limits of Coverage
Commercial General Liability (commercial $1,000,000 per occurrence;
umbrella policy may satisfy minimum
required insurance limits) $2,000,000 in the aggregate
Personal and Advertising Injury $1,000,000
$1,000,000 per occurrence;
Product Liability/Completed Operations $2,000,000 in the aggregate Combined
Single Limit for Bodily Injury and Property
Umbrella/Excess Liability $5,000,000 in the aggregate
$500,000 Each Accident
$500,000 Disease Each Employee
Employer’s Liability
$500,000 Disease Policy Limit
Section 12 - Confidential Information.
a. The Co-op and Supplier (each, a “Receiving Party”) may be furnished with, receive, or otherwise have
access to information of or concerning the other or its affiliates (each, a “Providing Party”) which the
Providing Party considers to be proprietary and confidential ("Proprietary Information"). The Providing
Parties shall limit disclosure of Proprietary Information to only that information necessary for the
Receiving Party to know in order to perform its obligations under this Agreement. Except as authorized by
this Agreement or in writing by the Providing Party, a Receiving Party shall not:
(i) Disclose in any manner (including through patent or copyright applications) any Providing Party’s
Proprietary Information to any third party;
(ii) Use any Providing Party’s Proprietary Information for its own account or purposes or for other purposes of
any third party;
(iiI) Make, photocopy, reproduce, or disclose any tangible items containing any Providing Party’s Proprietary
Information except as reasonably necessary to perform its obligations under this Agreement;
(iv) Communicate or disclose to any third party that Proprietary Information has been disclosed to it, or that a
business relationship exists between the parties to this Agreement; or
(v) Disregard its obligations of confidence and use by selecting a series of items of knowledge from
unconnected sources and fitting them together through its knowledge or use of any Providing Party’s
Proprietary Information to attempt a justified use of the Providing Party’s Proprietary Information for its
own purposes or for that of any third party. However, a Receiving Party may disclose Proprietary
Information to the extent required pursuant to any court order or as otherwise required by any law or
governmental authority. The Receiving Party shall give the Providing Party reasonable advance notice of
any such proposed disclosure to permit the Providing Party the opportunity to contest the validity of the
court order or seek an injunction or other legal restriction on the Receiving Party’s obligation to disclose
such Proprietary Information