Page 323 - Onboarding May 2017
P. 323

CSCS Net Cash Position
           (Includes cash in Apple & Pancake)

                                                                                          October 31, 2016                                                              YTD
                                                                   Apple Allocation      Pancake Allocation            Total               Apple Allocation      Pancake Allocation             Total
           CSCS Cash on Hand, Beginning of the month             $             3,264,459.52  $                    1,916,764.83  $             5,181,224.35  $              3,254,309.13  $                    2,034,091.10  $              5,288,400.23

           Source                                                   Apple Related          Pancake Related          CSCS Total              Apple Related         Pancake Related            CSCS Total
           Arrowstream Freight Rebate                                                 2,171.65                                3,781.83                       5,953.48                        90,095.80                             51,991.07                     142,086.87
           Glazier Freight Rebate                                                   15,986.00                              34,014.00                     50,000.00                        62,103.27                           137,896.73                     200,000.00
           McLane Freight Rebate                                                                                                              -                     489,298.54                             65,232.81                     554,531.35
           FSA Freight Rebate                                                                                                                 -                     146,623.95                             146,623.95
           USF, ITI, PFG Sygma Charlotte Freight Rebates                              5,254.05                                6,865.32                     12,119.37                        41,722.75                             59,461.57                     101,184.32
           Price Variance Analysis Overcharges Recovered                            10,905.16                              12,271.92                     23,177.08                      536,265.30                           432,217.79                     968,483.09
           Patronage Rebates                                                          6,938.78                              42,283.91                     49,222.69                   1,045,256.30                           562,019.28                  1,607,275.58
           Other Rebates                                                                                          25,360.44                     25,360.44                      119,473.22                           338,259.70                     457,732.92
           NFC/RBC Conferences                                                      26,850.00                              30,000.00                     56,850.00                   1,081,400.00                           945,150.00                  2,026,550.00
           Shrimp Peg Pricing                                                                                                                 -                     893,508.60                             893,508.60
           Steak (Tri Tip) Peg Pricing                                                                                                        -                  1,376,914.47                           1,376,914.47
           Steak (Top Butt) Peg Pricing                                            901,815.91                                     901,815.91                  2,799,545.34                              2,799,545.34
           Egg Peg Pricing                                                                                                                    -                                           61,272.05                       61,272.05
           HAVI Supplier Fees                                                         4,125.00                                3,375.00                       7,500.00                      210,375.00                           172,125.00                     382,500.00
           HAVI Connectivity Fees                                                                                   4,000.00                       4,000.00                        67,000.00                             65,000.00                     132,000.00
           Contributed Capital - Membership                                                                                                   -                            100.00                                  800.00                            900.00
           Equipment Rebates                                                          5,073.73                                2,055.35                       7,129.08                      317,902.05                           132,605.70                     450,507.75
           Wood Fire Grill Loan                                                                                                               -                  2,900,000.00                           2,900,000.00
           Wood Fire Grill Loan Payments from DC's                                 183,964.17                                     183,964.17                  1,931,887.04                              1,931,887.04
           Sourcing Fees - French Fries                                            184,312.16                                     184,312.16                  2,482,907.19                              2,482,907.19
           Sourcing Fees - 7 and 9 Oz. House Sirloin                                                                                          -                     248,737.06                             248,737.06
           Sourcing Fees - Chicken                                                  68,400.81                                      68,400.81                      979,615.07                               979,615.07
           Sourcing Fees - Ground Beef                                              65,477.70                                      65,477.70                      779,573.70                               779,573.70
           Sourcing Fees - Dry Mixes                                                                            212,707.95                    212,707.95                             2,473,594.04                  2,473,594.04
           Sourcing Fees - Liquid Eggs                                                                          157,636.68                    157,636.68                             2,378,756.06                  2,378,756.06
           Sourcing Fees - Hashbrowns                                                                             44,354.34                     44,354.34                               446,443.56                     446,443.56
           Sourcing Fees - Produce (Danaco)                                         23,468.18                                5,947.60                     29,415.78                      262,739.80                           116,885.66                     379,625.46
           Other                                                                    29,958.48                                      29,958.48                        33,597.00                                       -                       33,597.00
           Total Cash In                                         $             1,534,701.78  $                       584,654.34  $             2,119,356.12  $            18,896,641.45  $                    8,439,711.02  $            27,336,352.47

           Categories                                              Apple Allocation      Pancake Allocation            Total               Apple Allocation      Pancake Allocation             Total
           Salaries                                                                132,785.46                           132,785.45                    265,570.91                  2,556,890.65                        2,556,890.64                  5,113,781.29
           Employer Payroll Taxes                                                   11,512.21                              11,512.21                     23,024.42                      168,252.84                           168,252.82                     336,505.66
           401K Match                                                                 7,332.43                                7,332.43                     14,664.86                        83,267.92                             83,267.93                     166,535.85
           FSA Account Administration                                                                                                         -                       (3,025.00)                              (3,025.00)                         (6,050.00)
           Executive Benefits                                                            528.53                                  528.53                       1,057.06                          8,028.09                               8,028.09                       16,056.18
           Banking Fees                                                                  597.32                                  288.01                          885.33                         4,212.78                               2,269.09                         6,481.87
           Patronage                                                                96,118.31                              31,155.97                    127,274.28                  2,268,563.92                        2,159,914.67                  4,428,478.59
           Price Variance Analysis Paid to Franchisees                                                                                        -                     501,801.41                           609,052.13                  1,110,853.54
           Shrimp Peg Pricing Payout                                                                                                          -                     261,060.00                                       -                     261,060.00
           Steak (Tri Tip) Peg Pricing Payout                                                                                                 -                     318,205.77                                       -                     318,205.77
           Steak (Top Butt) Peg Pricing Payout                                      31,914.68                                      31,914.68                   3,462,481.29                                       -                  3,462,481.29
           Egg Peg Pricing Payout                                                                                                             -                                 -                             36,658.45                       36,658.45
           Woodfire Grill Vendor Payments                                                                                                     -                  3,303,798.53                                       -                  3,303,798.53
           Woodfire Grill Loan Payments                                            195,588.80                                     195,588.80                  1,982,693.05                              1,982,693.05
           Rebate to Distributors - Pass Through                                                                                              -                                 -                                       -                                 -
           Rebates Refunded to Operators                                                                                                      -                     175,154.47                           231,089.58                     406,244.05
           Contributed Capital - Membership Refunds                                                                    100.00                          100.00                                 -                               1,300.00                         1,300.00
           NFC/RBC Conferences                                                      26,850.00                              30,000.00                     56,850.00                   1,081,400.00                           945,150.00                  2,026,550.00
           New Office Space                                                                                                                   -                         1,710.71                               1,710.71                         3,421.42
           Employee Relations                                                         2,600.30                                2,600.29                       5,200.59                        10,003.36                             10,003.27                       20,006.63
           Restaurant Visitation                                                      2,668.02                                2,668.03                       5,336.05                        29,202.90                             29,202.91                       58,405.81
           Training Expenses                                                                                                                  -                         3,681.00                               3,680.99                         7,361.99
           Employee Benefits-Group Insurance                                        22,372.42                              22,372.41                     44,744.83                      226,823.37                           226,823.32                     453,646.69
           Airfare                                                                    2,035.24                                2,643.58                       4,678.82                        23,666.09                             24,404.89                       48,070.98
           Lodging                                                                    6,526.38                                6,807.47                     13,333.85                        23,538.10                             25,435.64                       48,973.74
           Car Rental                                                                    344.22                                  344.22                          688.44                         2,579.04                               2,647.06                         5,226.10
           Mileage                                                                       226.88                                  206.90                          433.78                         1,908.82                               1,951.05                         3,859.87
           Meals                                                                         712.49                                  608.36                       1,320.85                          4,783.02                               4,952.18                         9,735.20
           Other                                                                                                                              -                             12.55                                    12.54                               25.09
           Meals/Entertainment  - 50% Ded                                                527.16                                  547.46                       1,074.62                          5,325.71                               5,381.33                       10,707.04
           Taxi/Parking                                                                  690.29                               1,313.71                       2,004.00                          3,841.37                               4,998.85                         8,840.22
           Glendale Travel                                                            1,869.40                                1,869.39                       3,738.79                        31,919.14                             31,919.09                       63,838.23
           Office Supplies                                                               458.32                                  458.31                          916.63                         7,477.16                               7,477.06                       14,954.22
           Postage / Express Mail                                                        117.29                                  187.77                          305.06                         1,852.25                               2,240.74                         4,092.99
           Dues and Subscriptions                                                        392.04                                  392.04                          784.08                       24,015.82                             24,015.80                       48,031.62
           Printing                                                                      161.08                                  161.07                          322.15                         1,883.00                               3,436.13                         5,319.13
           Other Miscellaneous                                                           110.81                                  110.80                          221.61                       12,912.64                               4,842.76                       17,755.40
           Meeting Meals                                                                 616.38                                  616.37                       1,232.75                          6,930.57                               6,873.43                       13,804.00
           Meetings                                                                      525.00                                  525.00                       1,050.00                        16,783.82                             17,256.22                       34,040.04
           Recruiting                                                                    373.43                                  373.42                          746.85                         1,542.24                               1,542.23                         3,084.47
           Relocation                                                                 1,101.00                                1,101.00                       2,202.00                        20,964.37                             20,964.34                       41,928.71
           Accounting Services                                                        5,041.67                                5,041.66                     10,083.33                        50,166.69                             50,166.61                     100,333.30
           Outside Legal Counsel                                                                                                              -                       28,941.88                             27,355.87                       56,297.75
           Audit fees                                                                                                                         -                       35,084.00                             35,084.00                       70,168.00
           Consultant Fees                                                            5,650.00                                5,650.00                     11,300.00                        56,949.00                             53,546.00                     110,495.00
           IT Recurring Costs                                                            519.98                                  519.97                       1,039.95                          9,448.47                               9,448.45                       18,896.92
           IT Professional Services                                                        52.67                                   52.67                           105.34                            526.70                                  526.70                         1,053.40
           HAVI Subscription - Apple                                                64,195.00                                      64,195.00                      611,359.00                                       -                     611,359.00
           HAVI Subscription - Pancake                                                                            53,855.00                     53,855.00                                  -                           513,521.00                     513,521.00
           Produce Program Fees-Apple                                               93,218.63                                      93,218.63                      421,500.76                                       -                     421,500.76
           Produce Program Fees-Pancake                                                                           46,072.87                     46,072.87                                  -                           200,500.24                     200,500.24
           Rent / Occupancy Costs                                                   12,629.77                              12,629.75                     25,259.52                        99,881.09                             99,881.05                     199,762.14
           Telephone / Cell Phone                                                     1,383.63                                1,383.61                       2,767.24                        13,777.20                             13,777.12                       27,554.32
           Repair and Maintenance                                                                                                             -                         1,782.49                               1,782.49                         3,564.98
           Licenses & Taxes                                                                                                                   -                         2,379.56                                  794.56                         3,174.12
           Board/Director Expenses                                                                                                            -                       19,456.70                             21,749.61                       41,206.31
           Software Expense                                                              891.30                                  891.30                       1,782.60                        10,912.87                             10,912.84                       21,825.71
           Business Insurance                                                                                                                 -                       27,446.50                             27,446.50                       54,893.00
           Donations from Employee Withholding                                                                                                -                       13,516.08                                       -                       13,516.08
           Penalties                                                                                                                          -                                 -                                       -                                 -
           Computer Supplies                                                               34.69                                   34.68                             69.37                       16,168.18                             16,168.12                       32,336.30
           Dist Optimization-Travel                                                                                                           -                            667.57                                  667.56                         1,335.13
           Havi Implementation                                                                                                                -                         9,775.00                               9,775.00                       19,550.00
           Federal/State Income Tax                                                                                                           -                       17,180.00                               4,400.00                       21,580.00
           Interest Expense                                                                                                                   -                                 -                                       -                                 -
           Total Cash Out                                                          731,273.23  $                       385,741.71  $             1,117,014.94  $            18,083,062.51  $                    8,358,124.66  $            26,441,187.17

           CSCS Cash on Hand, End of the month                   $             4,067,888.07  $                    2,115,677.46  $             6,183,565.53  $              4,067,888.07  $                    2,115,677.46  $              6,183,565.53

           Cash Restrictions                                                                                                               Apple Allocation      Pancake Allocation             Total
           Maines $.07 Case Rebate                                                                                                                                                        25,360.44                       25,360.44
           Steak (Tri Tip) Peg Pricing                                                                                                                   1,165,113.56                                   1,165,113.56
           Steak (Top Butt) Peg Pricing                                                                                                                    (662,935.95)                                   (662,935.95)
           Egg Peg Pricing                                                                                                                                                                13,484.74                       13,484.74
           Price Variance Analysis                                                                                                                            35,009.10                             51,754.13                       86,763.23
           Shrimp Peg Pricing                                                                                                                               837,713.62                                     837,713.62
           NFC/RBC/BIM Conferences                                                                                                                                      -                                       -                                 -
           Woodfire Grill Program - Loan Proceeds                                                                                                           375,409.77                                     375,409.77
           Contributed Capital - Membership                                                                                                                     3,400.00                             32,500.00                       35,900.00
           CSCS Non Restricted Cash                                                                                                      $              2,314,177.97  $                    1,992,578.15  $              4,306,756.12
   318   319   320   321   322   323   324   325   326   327   328