Page 340 - Onboarding May 2017
P. 340

11) An Excel file called “SeriesReport-20xx……xlsx will download.

               Update the Master PPI database file

               1)  Copy this data into the Master PPI database file, tab “BLS Data Series (monthly)”,
                   cell D4 (highlighted in red).  It is recommended to use a Vlookup function, then copy
                   and paste values, as column data needs to be in correct order as well as to ensure
                   the accuracy of the monthly price data linked to the associated PPI.
               2)  Update formulas in columns B and C to reflect the average PPI for the time period
                   being analyzed.
                   a)  For example to compare YTD through March, cell B5 would read
                       “=AVERAGE(E5..G5)” and cell C5 would read “=AVERAGE(R5..T5)”
                   b)  Ensure that the formulas in columns B and C and copied all the way down, as
                       other files look at this data to compare the market basket prices to the PPI
               3)  Save File
               4)  This file will need to be saved in three locations (general master database location,
                   Apple MPPI folder, and IHOP MPPI folder), overriding the current year’s copy each
                   month until the end of the year.

               Brand-Specific Modified PPI file update

               1)  Open a brand-specific Index file (Apple Index or IHOP Index)
               2)  Open a brand-specific MPPI file (Apple MPPI or IHOP MPPI) for the year that needs
                   a)  Update the formulas in column B and C of the “Monthly Price Index” tab to match
                       the time periods that are being compared.
                   b)  Update the formula in cell A2 of the “Summary” tab to describe the time periods
                       being compared
                   c)  Save File

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