Page 435 - Onboarding May 2017
P. 435

Will this RFP                  2
 Contract End  Contract Guidelines   require Havi post-  2016 Projected  2016 Projected  2016 Net Impact   0
 IHOP Item   ASI Item   Date as of   End Date as of   Max of Main item  12 month CONTRACT   RFP  bid analysis?   Increase (show Savings (show  (savings+increases 1
 Buyer  Main item supplier name  Contract Name  Count  Count  2.1.16  2.1.16  price end date  spend  (Y or N)  RFP Month  RFP Project Name   (y/n/?)  RFP Progress Updates (Lori)  as negative)  as positive)  )  6  CM Comments
                022717 Awarded.  051716 In progress.  042616 Alison has
                all information needed and will be sending RFP request form
 ajump  Landes Foods, LLC  Landes Foods, LLC SSA-A     1 evergreen  5/30/2015  6/25/2016 $                    1,805,017  Y  April  Tortillas  Y  next week.  60000  18000  78000
                022717 Awarded.  051716 In progress.  042616 Alison has
                all information needed and will be sending RFP request form
 ajump  Tyson Mexican Original  Tyson Mexican Original SSA-A  5  6 evergreen  5/31/2015  12/31/2015 $                    7,643,636  Y  April  Tortillas  Y  next week.  76000  76000
 ajump  Heinz North America  Heinz North America SSA-A  14  17 evergreen  6/30/2015  6/30/2016 $                  12,331,398  N  February  Heinz Kraft Ketchup  Y  April - May  120,000  120000
 ajump  Kraft  Kraft SSA-A - Grocery  16  24 evergreen  12/31/2015  6/30/2016 $                    9,270,129  N  February  Ketchup   Apr May Heinz Kraft  65000  65000
                022717 Awarded.  051716 In progress.  042616 Alison has
                all information needed and will be sending RFP request form
 ajump  Mission Foods  Mission Foods SSA-A  4  2 evergreen  6/30/2016  5/31/2016 $                       487,158  Y  April  Tortillas  next week.  0
                120516 In progress.  082916 Alison is gathering information.
                Changed this from March to August per Alison - breads in
 ajump  Flowers Foods  Flowers Foods SSA-A  3    evergreen  12/31/2015  4/1/2016 $                    4,420,410  Y  August  Brioche Bread  Y  one RFP  40,000  40000
 ajump  Nestle Professional  Nestle SSA-A  6  1 evergreen  12/31/2015  6/30/2016 $                  16,940,063  N  May  Spin Dip  Y  550,000  550000
 ajump  Klosterman Baking Company  Klosterman Baking Company SSA-A     1 evergreen  12/31/2015  6/30/2016 $                    2,477,878  Y  August  Buns and Rolls  Y  120516 In progress.  082916 Alison is gathering information.  24000  24000
 ajump  Rotella's Italian Bakery  Rotella's Italian Bakery SSA-A  3  3 evergreen  12/31/2015  6/30/2016 $                    7,360,966  Y  August  Buns and Rolls  Y  120516 In progress.  082916 Alison is gathering information.  50000  50000
 ajump  Southern Bakeries, LLC  Southern Bakeries, LLC SSA-A  1  1 evergreen  10/31/2015  1/31/2016 $                    7,068,556  Y  August  Buns and Rolls  Y  120516 In progress.  082916 Alison is gathering information.  0
 ajump  Turano Baking Company  Turano Baking Company SSA-A  1  2 evergreen  12/31/2014  12/31/2016 $                    4,581,571  Y  August  Buns and Rolls  Y  120516 In progress.  082916 Alison is gathering information.  50000  50000
 ajump  Wenner Bread Products, Inc.  Wenner Bread Products, Inc. SSA-A     1 evergreen  12/31/2014  12/31/2016 $                    2,835,291  Y  August  Buns and Rolls  Y  120516 In progress.  082916 Alison is gathering information.  0
                062716 Removed supplier from RFP per Alison email dated
 ajump  Piantedosi Baking Co, Inc  Piantedosi Baking Co, Inc -SSA-A  1    evergreen  missing  12/31/2015 $                       256,618  N  August  06/01/16.  0
 ajump  T. Marzetti  T. Marzetti SSA-A Bread/Pasta  1    evergreen  12/31/2014  3/31/2016 $                       453,785  Y  August  120516 In progress.  082916 Alison is gathering information.  0
 ajump  T. Marzetti -Sister Schubert's  T. Marzetti -Sister Schubert's SSA-A     1 evergreen  12/31/2014  6/30/2016 $                    2,067,795  Y  August  120516 In progress.  082916 Alison is gathering information.  0
                042916 This was not a formal RFP.  Alison put bid out to
                incumbent suppliers and Mark has already singed the
 ajump  A. Zerega  A. Zerega SSA-A     2 evergreen  12/31/2014  3/31/2016 $                    1,097,929  Y  June  Dry Pasta  N  contract.  40000  40000
 ajump  Barilla America, Inc.  Barilla America SSA-A     1 evergreen  12/31/2015  3/31/2016 $                       880,843  N  Delete  0
 ajump  Bridgford Foods Corporation  Bridgford Foods Corporation SSA-A  1    1/1/2016  12/31/2015  12/31/2016 $                       924,748  N  0
 ajump  C H Guenther & Son  C H Guenther & Son SSA-A Pancake/Flour     2 evergreen  4/30/2016  4/30/2016 $                       643,977  N  0
 ajump  East Balt Bakeries  The New Bakery Company of Ohio  SSA-A  1    evergreen  missing  12/31/2015 $                         38,304  N  0
 ajump  FGF Brands, Inc.  FGF Brands, Inc. SSA-A     1 evergreen  12/31/2015  12/31/2016 $                       950,979  N  0
                042916 This was not a formal RFP.  Alison put bid out to
                incumbent suppliers and Mark has already singed the
 ajump  Dakota Growers Pasta Co.  Dakota Growers Pasta Co. SSA-A     2 evergreen  12/31/2015  3/31/2016 $                    5,031,927  Y  June  Dry Pasta  N  contract.  0
 ajump  Orlando Baking Co.  Orlando Baking SSA-A  1    evergreen  12/31/2015  4/30/2016 $                    2,244,018  N  Delete  0
 ajump  Pasta Mia  Pasta Mia SSA-A  1    12/31/2015 missing  12/31/2015 $                       957,144  N  Delete  0
                No formal RFP due to small spend and will just be requesting
 ajump  Cargill Dressings and Sauces  Cargill Dressings & Sauces SSA-A - Mayo     1 evergreen  7/31/2016  7/31/2016 $                         74,337  Y  March  Mayo  N  pricing from incumbents.  6000  10,000  16000
 ajump  Pinnacle Foods Group Inc.  Pinnacle Foods Group Inc. SSA-A - Bagel  1    evergreen  10/31/2015  12/31/2016 $                         19,207  N  Delete  0
                100416 No RFP will be done through HAVI - took reduction
 ajump  Sugar Foods  Sugar Foods SSA-A Croutons, Nuts  2  3 evergreen  12/31/2014  12/31/2016 $                    9,472,216  Y  October  Nuts  Y  in pricing - no alternate suppliers.  -360000  -360000
                100416 No RFP will be done through HAVI - took reduction
 ajump  Azar Nut Co.  Azar Nut Co. PA     1 evergreen  missing  9/30/2016 $                         49,008  Y  October  Nuts  in pricing - no alternate suppliers.  0
 ajump  Passport Food Group LLC (Wing Passport Food Group LLC (Wing Hing) SSA-A     3 evergreen  12/31/2015  12/31/2015 $                    1,726,967  N  0
 ajump  J&J Snack Foods  Amendment Pretzels Inc - J&J Snack Foods SSA-A #1 Exhibit     1  12/31/2016 missing  12/31/2016 $                    6,831,976  N  0
 ajump  Reckitt Benckiser - French's  Reckitt Benckiser - French's PA  3  1 evergreen  missing  12/31/2017 $                       709,689  N  0
 asanta  Oneida Silversmiths  Oneida Silversmiths SSA-A  $                     7  $                  2  evergreen  4/30/2016  6/30/2016 $                    2,371,278  N  IHOP Dinnerware  N  46000  46000
 asanta  Tuxton China, Inc.  Tuxton China, Inc. SSA-A  $                     8  $                11   evergreen  5/31/2017  8/31/2016 $                    2,802,781  N  IHOP Dinnerware  N  0  0
                100416 RFP will not be done.  080116 Alan is gathering
 asanta  Libbey, Inc.  Libbey, Inc. SSA-A  6  30  12/31/2014  12/31/2014  1/0/1900 $                    3,304,312  Y  July  Flatware  Y  information for RFP.  60000  60000
                100416 RFP will not be done.  080116 Alan is gathering
 asanta  Walco Stainless  Walco Stainless PA  6    evergreen  missing  12/31/2015 $                       334,306  Y  July  Flatware  Y  information for RFP.  10000  10000
 asanta  Gourmet Wood Products, Inc.  Gourmet Wood Products PA     1 evergreen  missing  12/31/2015 $                    2,300,000  Y  October  American Oak  Y  46000  46000
 asanta  Great Lakes Grilling Co.  Great Lakes Grilling PA     1 evergreen  missing  6/30/2016 $                       590,000  Y  October  American Oak  Y  11800  11800
 asanta  Iowa Firewood Products Inc  Iowa Firewood Products PA     1 evergreen  missing  12/31/2015 $                    4,600,000  Y  October  American Oak  Y  92000  92000
 asanta  Alegacy Foodservice Products  Alegacy Foodservice Products SSA-A     2 evergreen  12/31/2012  12/31/2015 $                         72,963  0
 asanta  American Metalcraft  American Metalcraft PA     1 evergreen  missing  12/31/2016 $                         14,029  0
 asanta  Cardinal International  Cardinal International SSA-A  2    evergreen  12/31/2015  12/31/2015 $                       601,888  0
 asanta  Carlisle FoodService Products  Carlisle FoodService Products SSA-A  97  123 evergreen  12/31/2015  12/31/2015 $                    2,431,262  0
 asanta  Chicago Metallic Bakeware  Chicago Metallic Bakeware PA     1 evergreen  missing  2/29/2016 $                         30,828  0
 asanta  Cooper-Atkins Corp  Cooper-Atkins Corp PA  1  1 evergreen  missing  3/31/2016 $                       191,259  0
 asanta  CSL Foodservice & Hospitality  CSL Foodservice & Hospitality PA        evergreen  missing  12/31/2016 $                         46,673  0
 asanta  Diversified Ceramics Corp  Diversified Ceramics Corp SSA-A  1  3 evergreen  6/30/2012  12/31/2015 $                       180,144  0
 asanta  Excel International, Inc.  Excel International, Inc. SSA-A     2 evergreen  12/31/2012  4/30/2016 $                         99,387  0
 asanta  Koala Corporation  Koala Corporation PA FF&E  22  21 evergreen  missing  12/31/2016 $                               -  0
 asanta  Koala Corporation  Koala Corporation PA Smallwares  7  7 evergreen  missing  12/31/2015 $                               -  0
 asanta  Mercer Tool Corp.  Mercer Tool Corp. PA  5    11/30/2015 missing  11/30/2015 $                         41,916  0
 asanta  Pronto Products Co.  Pronto Products Co. SSA-A     2 evergreen  12/31/2013  12/31/2015 $                         24,896  0
 asanta  Service Ideas, Inc.  Service Ideas, Inc. SSA-A  31    evergreen  12/31/2014  1/31/2016 $                       914,214  0
 asanta  Tomlinson Industries  Tomlinson Industries PA     4 evergreen  missing  3/31/2016 $                           1,610  0
 asanta  Vollrath  Vollrath PA  28  24 evergreen  missing  12/31/2015 $                       490,264  0
 asanta  Winco  Winco PA  2  5 evergreen  missing  6/30/2016 $                         16,261  0
 bbroderick  Kennesaw Fruit & Juice  Kennesaw Fruit & Juice PA  1    evergreen  missing  6/30/2016 $                               -  0
 bbroderick  Sun Rich Fresh Foods, Inc.  Sun Rich Fresh Foods, Inc. PA  7    evergreen  missing  1/31/2016 $                    4,866,022  0
 cbarnett  Taste It Presents, Inc.  Taste It Presents, Inc. PA        evergreen  missing  6/30/2016 $                    1,560,456  N  April  0  0  0
                082316 There will be no Garlic RFP due to having to lock in
 cbarnett  Tulkoff  Tulkoff SSA-A     2  1/1/2016  12/31/2015  12/31/2016 $                       757,851  Y  August  Garlic  RFP  Y  pricing - per Carol's email dated 08/22/16.  -19000  -19000
 cbarnett  Baldwin Richardson Foods, Co. Baldwin Richardson Foods, Inc. PA  1    evergreen  missing  11/30/2015 $                         11,207  N  February  0  0  0
                Business has been awarded per Carol.  012116 In progress.
                011216 Most likely packets and bulk sugar will be included in
 cbarnett  Domino Foods  Domino Foods SSA-A        4/30/2016  4/30/2016  4/30/2016 $                    3,490,152  Y  January  Sugar RFP  RFP.  Carol has started on CRN.  0  0  0
                012116 Per Carol, syrup RFP will not be done this year.
                011216 Waiting to hear back from Mark regarding pancake
 cbarnett  Diamond Crystal Brands  Diamond Crystal Brands SSA-A  1    evergreen  2/29/2016  2/29/2016 $                    2,191,543  N  January  To Go Syrup RFP  Y  syrup.  -250000  -250000  This is based on the HFCS market
 cbarnett  Classic Foods  Classic Foods PA - Bananas Foster     1  4/30/2016 missing  4/30/2016 $                       127,018  N  0  0  0
 cbarnett  Barry Callebaut  Barry Callebaut SSA-A  4    evergreen  8/31/2015  6/30/2016 $                    1,259,614  N  January  Chocolate chips and cocoa  -5000  -5000  Based on the cocoa market
 cbarnett  White Toque Inc.  White Toque Inc. PA     2 evergreen  missing  12/31/2015 $                    1,520,300  N  June  0  0  0
                090816 Awarded - Final Award scenario in PBA.  062716 In
                progress.  052416 Sent email to Carol asking how to
                proceed since product was out of season - waiting on
 cbarnett  Pacific Fruit Processors-SunOp Pacific Fruit Processors-SunOp SSA-A  3    evergreen  8/31/2016  6/30/2016 $                  15,733,729  Y  March  Strawberry Topping RFP  Y  response.  033116 In progress.  -540000  -540000  based on strawberry pricing
 cbarnett  Dianne's Fine Desserts  Dianne's Fine Desserts SSA-A  2  5 evergreen  5/31/2016  6/30/2016 $                    9,699,425   N  March  Dessert RFP  Y  -27395  -27395
 cbarnett  Lone Star Bakery, Inc.  Lone Star Bakery, Inc. SSA-A     3 evergreen  5/31/2016  5/31/2016 $                    8,012,962  N  March  Dessert RFP  Y  -116000  -116000
                062716 Awarded - Final Award scenario in PBA.  033116 In
 cbarnett  Norpac Foods, Inc.  Norpac SSA-A - IQF Vegetables  evergreen  5/31/2016  9/30/2016  Y  March  IQF Vegetables  Y  progress.
                081216 Awarded - Final Award scenario in PBA.  052516 In
 cbarnett  Dole  Dole - SSA-A  3  3 evergreen  12/31/2015  6/30/2016 $                       901,884  Y  May  Blueberry RFP - IQF Fruit  Y  progress.  100,000  100000
   Blackberry and Raspberry RFP -   081216 Awarded - Final Award scenario in PBA.  052516 In
 cbarnett  Norpac Foods, Inc.  Norpac SSA-A  7  5 evergreen  5/31/2016  9/30/2016 $                    7,209,891  Y  May  IQF Fruit  Y  progress.  -490000  0  -490000  based on strawberry pricing, raspberry and blackberry
                040116 Changed to N per Carol - no formal RFP for
 cbarnett  Sweet Street  Sweet Street SSA-A     1  4/30/2015  4/30/2015  6/30/2016 $                    1,247,672  N  March  Dessert RFP  N  Desserts.  -6000  -6000
                090816 Awarded - Final Award scenario in PBA.  062716 In
 cbarnett  Multiple  Y  June  Fruit Topping  progress.
 5/10/2017                        \\de-dd401\SharedCSCS\All\Lenexa\_New CSCS Folder Structure\Procurement\RFP Calendar & KPI Development\2016\RFP Calendar 2016
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