Page 437 - Onboarding May 2017
P. 437
012116 Per Carol, syrup RFP will not be done this year.
011216 Carol needs to talk with head chef about formulation.
If it changes may not do RFP. Carol has started on CRN
and will pose the question regarding the formulation on the
cbarnett Lyons Magnus Lyons Magnus SSA-A 10 4 evergreen 2/29/2016 2/29/2016 $ 10,162,543 Y October Syrup RFP CRN. -780000 -780000 This is based on the HFCS market
cbarnett Rich Products Rich Products SSA-A Batters, Fillings, Toppings 6 11/1/2015 12/31/2015 12/31/2016 $ 7,090,249 N Rich Products RFP 0 50000 50000
cbarnett B & G Foods B & G Foods PA Syrup 1 evergreen missing 12/31/2015 $ 166,185 N 0 0 0
cbarnett Cinnamonster Franchise Group Cinnamonster Franchise Group PA 1 evergreen missing 12/31/2016 $ 33,593 N 0 0 0
cbarnett Custom Foods of America Custom Foods of America SSA-A Cinnamon Apples/French Toast 2 12/31/2016 12/31/2016 3/31/2016 $ 497,479 N French Toast Concentrate RFP 0 0 0
cbarnett Eli's Cheesecake Company Eli's Cheesecake Company SSA-A evergreen 12/31/2013 6/30/2016 $ - N 0 0 0
cbarnett Ferrara Candy Company Ferrara Candy Company PA 1 evergreen missing 12/31/2016 $ 34,695 N 0 0 0
cbarnett Hershey's Food Service Hershey's Food Service SSA-A 2 2 evergreen 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 $ 1,533,677 N -35000 -35000
cbarnett Hospitality Mints, LLC Hospitality Mints, LLC PA evergreen missing 7/31/2016 $ 285,775 N 0 0 0
cbarnett IHOP Corp. IHOP Corp PA 12 evergreen missing 12/31/2019 $ 50,931,298 N 0
cbarnett J.M. Smucker J.M. Smucker SSA-A 23 evergreen 6/30/2015 12/31/2016 $ 2,976,255 N 0 0 0
cbarnett Lawler's Lawler's SSA-A 3 evergreen 4/30/2016 4/30/2016 $ 1,856,761 N -20000 -20000
cbarnett Mondelez International Mondelez International SSA-A 7 8 evergreen 3/31/2016 3/31/2016 $ 1,364,567 N -36000 -36000
cbarnett Ocean Spray Ocean Spray SSA-A Dried Cranberries 1 evergreen missing 2/29/2016 $ 531,926 N 0 0 0
cbarnett ConAgra Foods ConAgra Foods SSA-A - Hot Fudge 1 evergreen 5/31/2015 5/29/2016 $ 94,864 N February 0 0 0
cbarnett Pinnacle Foods Group Inc. Pinnacle Foods Group Inc. SSA-A - Compote 2 evergreen 10/31/2015 6/30/2016 $ 2,306,057 N 0 0 0
cbarnett SunDown Foods SunDown Foods SSA-A 1 evergreen 9/30/2013 12/31/2016 $ 222,711 N 0 0 0
cbarnett Truitt Brothers, Inc. Truitt Brothers PA evergreen missing 12/31/2015 $ 535,689 N 0
cbarnett Wenner Bread Products, Inc. Wenner Bread Products, Inc. SSA-A - Donut 1 evergreen missing 12/31/2016 $ - N 0 0 0
cbarnett Westminster Cracker Co., Inc. Westminster Cracker Co., Inc. SSA-A 1 evergreen 7/31/2013 5/31/2016 $ 18,250 N 0 0 0
cbarnett Otis Spunkmeyer Otis Spunkmeyer PA 1 evergreen missing 12/31/2015 $ 269,431 N -8000 -8000
cwaers Cargill Meat Solutions Excel Amendment Cargill Meat Solutions Excel SSA-A Ham & Brisket #1 2 evergreen 8/31/2015 2/28/2016 $ 11,601,181 N 0 Need to complete Business terms; currently monthly pricing
100416 Awarded. 051816 In progress. 042916 Candice is
filling out RFP request form and should have to me next
cwaers Cotner Farms Inc. Cotner Farms - SSA-A 2 4 evergreen 9/30/2015 11/30/2015 $ 2,238,447 Y April Shell-egg RFP Y week. April - May 0 Business Terms in effect through 08/31/2016; Monthly & weekly Pricing at this time
100416 Awarded. 051816 In progress. 042916 Candice is
filling out RFP request form and should have to me next
cwaers Eggs America, Inc. Eggs America, Inc. SSA-A 3 4 evergreen 7/31/2016 11/30/2019 $ 12,312,580 Y April Shell-egg RFP Y week. April - May 0 Business Terms in effect through 07/31/2016; Monthly & weekly Pricing at this time
100416 Awarded. 051816 In progress. 042916 Candice is
filling out RFP request form and should have to me next
cwaers Hickman's Family Farms Hickman's Family Farms SSA-A 2 2 evergreen 7/31/2016 2/29/2016 $ 4,873,463 Y April Shell-egg RFP Y week. April - May 0 Business Terms in effect through 07/31/2016; Monthly Pricing at this time
100416 Awarded. 051816 In progress. 042916 Candice is
filling out RFP request form and should have to me next
cwaers Hillandale Farms of Ohio HIllandale Farms of Ohio - SSAA 1 1 evergreen 7/31/2016 2/6/2016 $ 3,069,108 Y April Shell-egg RFP Y week. April - May 0 Business Terms in effect through 07/31/2016; weekly Pricing at this time
110116 Awarded. 083016 In progress. Not being done in
HAVI - only 2 items to negotiate. 080116 Changed from July
to August per Candice. 062716 Pushed from June to July
cwaers Chicken of the Sea Frozen Food Chicken of the Sea - SSA-A 1 evergreen 10/31/2014 2/28/2016 $ 2,098,394 Y August Seafood RFP Y per Candice. 0 Business Terms in effect through 07/31/2016; monthly Pricing at this time
cwaers Expack Seafood Inc. Expack Seafood Inc. SSA-A 1 evergreen 10/31/2014 2/29/2016 $ 506,402 No June Seafood RFP Yes 0 Supplies Apple Tilapia. Product being deleted.
110116 Awarded. 083016 In progress. Not being done in
HAVI - only 2 items to negotiate. 080116 Changed from July
to August per Candice. 062716 Pushed from June to July
cwaers Federal Fisheries Federal Fisheries SSA-A 2 4 evergreen 10/31/2014 10/31/2016 $ 29,104,873 Y August Seafood RFP Y per Candice. 0 Working on Business terms as the prices have now changed
110116 Awarded. 083016 In progress. Not being done in
HAVI - only 2 items to negotiate. 080116 Changed from July
to August per Candice. 062716 Pushed from June to July
cwaers High Liner Foods, Inc. High Liner Foods SSA-A 1 evergreen 10/31/2014 12/31/2015 $ 857,113 Y August Seafood RFP Y per Candice. 0 Working on Business terms as the prices have now changed
110116 Awarded. 083016 In progress. Not being done in
HAVI - only 2 items to negotiate. 080116 Changed from July
to August per Candice. 062716 Pushed from June to July
cwaers Mazzetta Mazzetta SSA-A 2 evergreen 10/31/2014 10/31/2016 $ 19,511,272 Y August Seafood RFP Y per Candice. 0 Working on Business terms as the prices have now changed
110116 Awarded. 083016 In progress. Not being done in
HAVI - only 2 items to negotiate. 080116 Changed from July
to August per Candice. 062716 Pushed from June to July
cwaers National Fish & Seafood National Fish & Seafood SSA-A 1 3 evergreen 10/31/2014 4/30/2016 $ 15,596,331 Y August Seafood RFP Y per Candice. 0 Working on Business terms as the prices have now changed
110116 Awarded. 083016 In progress. Not being done in
HAVI - only 2 items to negotiate. 080116 Changed from July
to August per Candice. 062716 Pushed from June to July Working on Business terms as the prices have now changed; 41/50 shrimp will change
cwaers Pacific Coral Seafood Pacific Coral Seafood SSA-A 2 evergreen 10/31/2014 2/29/2016 $ 12,906,475 Y August Seafood RFP Y per Candice. 0 03/01/2016 and then all in effect at least until 10/31/2016
110116 Awarded. 083016 In progress. Not being done in
HAVI - only 2 items to negotiate. 080116 Changed from July
to August per Candice. 062716 Pushed from June to July
cwaers Trident Seafood Trident Seafood SSA-A 1 evergreen 10/31/2014 3/31/2016 $ 689,695 Y August Seafood RFP Y per Candice. 0 RMI product; Working on Business terms; monthly pricing as monitoring cod market
110116 Awarded. 083016 In progress. Not being done in
HAVI - only 2 items to negotiate. 080116 Changed from July
to August per Candice. 062716 Pushed from June to July
cwaers Western Edge, Inc. Western Edge, Inc. SSA-A 1 evergreen 10/31/2014 4/30/2016 $ 2,124,255 Y August Seafood RFP Y per Candice. 0 Working guideline and business terms
cwaers Danish Crown USA, Inc. Danish Crown USA, Inc. SSA-A 2 evergreen 12/31/2015 12/31/2016 $ 9,690,431 Y September Back Rib RFP Y 110116 Awarded. 100416 In progress - outside of HAVI. 0 exhibits almost ready for approval
cwaers Dawn USA Inc Dawn USA Inc SSA-A 1 evergreen 12/31/2015 12/31/2016 $ 13,137,651 Y September Back Rib RFP Y 110116 Awarded. 100416 In progress - outside of HAVI. 0 exhibits almost ready for approval
cwaers Lamex Foods Inc. Lamex Foods Inc PA 1 evergreen in process 3/11/2016 $ 1,997,891 Y September Back Rib RFP Y 110116 Awarded. 100416 In progress - outside of HAVI. 0 SSA requested in
cwaers AdvancePierre Foods AdvancePierre Foods SSA-A Steak 1 evergreen 3/31/2016 12/31/2015 $ 7,286,135 N 0 In the middle of an improvement project; timing of decision yet TBD.
cwaers Almark Foods Almark Foods SSA-A 1 evergreen 12/31/2012 12/31/2015 $ 209,132 N 0 hard-cooked eggs - small volume; recommend folding into Michael Foods when available.
cwaers Cargill Kitchen Solutions Cargill Kitchen Solutions SSA-A 1 1 evergreen 10/31/2012 12/31/2015 $ 2,582,763 N 0 hard-cooked eggs - small volume; recommend folding into Michael Foods when available.
cwaers Channel Fish Processing Co. Channel Fish Processing Co. PA 1 evergreen missing 10/31/2016 $ 361,325 N 0 RMI product
cwaers Cuisine Solutions Inc. Cuisine Solutions SSA-A - Sliced Meats 1 evergreen missing 12/31/2015 $ 578,939 Jeremy? 0 Jeremy's
cwaers Ed Miniat LLC Ed Miniat, Inc. SSA-A 1 evergreen 12/31/2012 12/31/2015 $ 9,279,114 N 0 Riblets going away as of April 2016 menu
Business terms in place through 03/31/2017; fixed pricing as long as volume between egg sub
cwaers Hidden Villa Ranch Hidden Villa Ranch SSA-A 2 evergreen 3/31/2017 5/31/2016 $ 4,681,728 Y Nov Egg Substitute RFP Y 0 and egg whites remaines 3.0 M lbs or less.
cwaers JBS USA, LLC JBS USA, LLC SSA-A 1 evergreen 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 $ - No 0 No longer needing raw riblets
cwaers Love and Quiches Gourmet Love and Quiches Gourmet PA 1 12/31/2015 missing 12/31/2015 $ 11,973 N 0 No longer a supplier
cwaers Michael Foods Michael Foods SSA-A 2 1 evergreen 9/30/2012 11/30/2019 $ 44,612,981 N 0 3-year agreement beginning Dec 2015
cwaers ProPortion Foods, LLC ProPortion Foods, LLC SSA-A Riblets 1 evergreen 12/31/2014 12/31/2015 $ 6,672,191 N 0 Riblets going away as of April 2016 menu
darmstrong Lotito Foods, Inc. Lotito Foods SSA-A 1 evergreen 8/31/2015 11/30/2015 $ 2,818,587 Y ?? Sweet Cream Cheese 0
010517 Awarded - Final Award Scenario in PBA. 042616 In
progress. 040116 Durell getting information together to send
to me. Changed from February to April. 011216 Durell is on
darmstrong Arizona Foods Group, Inc Arizona Foods Group, Inc SSA-A 1 1 evergreen 2/28/2014 12/31/2015 $ 2,437,460 Y April Portion Creamers track to do RFP. 0 0 0 # Anticipate Arizona will seek 2% increase
darmstrong MRV Dairy Solutions MRV Dairy Solutions PA 66 2 evergreen missing 11/30/2015 $ 4,636,397 N June Milk Phase I 0 4500 4500 RFP for 5 DCs from Phase 1
010517 Awarded - Final Award Scenario in PBA. 042616 In
progress. 040116 Durell getting information together to send
to me. Changed from February to April. 011216 Durell is on
darmstrong Saputo Saputo SSA-A 10 8 evergreen 10/31/2015 11/30/2015 $ 14,824,749 Y April Portion Creamers track to do RFP. 0 0 0 # Anticpate that Saputo will seek 2% increase
123016 Awarded - Final Award Scenario in PBA. 092716 In
progress. 080116 Change from August to September per
darmstrong Schoep's Ice Cream Co., Inc. Schoep's Ice Cream Co., Inc. SSA-A 2 1 evergreen 10/31/2014 3/31/2016 $ 2,089,074 Y September Ice Cream Y Durell. 0 0 0 # Anticipate that Schoep's will seek 1% increase.
123016 Awarded - Final Award Scenario in PBA. 092716 In
progress. 080116 Change from August to September per
Well's Blue Bunny Well's Blue Bunny PA 5 2 evergreen missing 12/31/2015 $ 3,687,506 Y September Ice Cream Y Durell. 0 0 0 # Anticipate that Well's will seek 1% increase.
080116 This RFP will not be done per Durell. 062316 Durell
darmstrong Daisy Brand Daisy SSA-A 1 1 evergreen 6/30/2014 12/31/2015 $ 3,202,176 Y June Sour Cream Y will discuss this with Mary. 0 16010 16010 RFP. Anticpate competition from Saputo for portion of volume.
120516 This is changing over to Daniela Nath in 2017.
100416 RFP will not be done through HAVI. 062316 This
darmstrong Darifair Foods Darifair Foods PA 070114 5 5 evergreen missing 12/31/2015 $ 9,592,096 Y June White Cream Base Y will be alternate source. June/August 0 15487 15487 Anticpate a .5% savings from Darifair on Cream Base & competition on Ice Cream from new su
120516 This is changing over to Daniela Nath in 2017.
100416 RFP will not be done through HAVI. 062316 This
darmstrong CTI Foods CTI Foods SSA-A Sauces 2 evergreen 3/31/2016 1/31/2016 $ 2,440,467 Y June Queso will be alternate source. 0
120516 This is changing over to Daniela Nath in 2017.
100416 RFP will not be done through HAVI. 062316 This
darmstrong Tyson Prepared Foods Tyson Prepared Foods SSA-A Cream Sauces 4 evergreen 3/31/2015 3/31/2016 $ 26,253,010 Y June Cream Sauce will be alternate source. 0
010517 Awarded - Final Award Scenario in PBA. 050316 In
darmstrong Multiple Y April Whipped Aerosol Cream progress.
5/10/2017 \\de-dd401\SharedCSCS\All\Lenexa\_New CSCS Folder Structure\Procurement\RFP Calendar & KPI Development\2016\RFP Calendar 2016