Page 441 - Onboarding May 2017
P. 441
dhudson Uniroyal Naugahyde Uniroyal Naugahyde PA 4 8 evergreen missing 12/31/2015 $ - Y TBD Vinyl - Booth N 0
dhudson Valore Valore SSA-A 5 evergreen 2/28/2014 2/28/2016 $ - Y TBD Tabletops, IHOP Chairs 0
dhudson Wausau Tile Wausau Tile SSA-A 3 3 evergreen 12/31/2011 2/28/2016 $ - Y TBD Exterior Wait Bench, Ash Trash N 0
dshandy A.J. Antunes & Company A.J. Antunes & Company PA 4 evergreen missing 12/31/2016 $ - 0
dshandy AccuTemp Products Inc. AccuTemp Products Inc. SSA-A 6 9 evergreen missing 6/30/2016 $ - 0
dshandy APW Wyott APW Wyott SSA-A 13 13 evergreen 12/31/2011 12/31/2015 $ - 0
dshandy ARY, Inc. ARY, Inc. PA 3 evergreen missing 12/31/2015 $ - 0
dshandy Bunn-O-Matic Corp Bunn-O-Matic Corp PA 54 9 evergreen missing 12/31/2015 $ - 0
dshandy Culligan of Greater Kansas City Culligan of Greater Kansas Cit PA Applebee's 9 9 6/30/2014 missing 12/31/2015 $ - 0
dshandy Dormont Manufacturing CompanyDormont Manufacturing Company PA 5 5 evergreen missing 12/31/2015 $ - 0
dshandy Duke Manufacturing Company Duke Manufacturing Company PA 3 evergreen missing 12/31/2015 $ - 0
dshandy Edlund Company, Inc. Edlund Company, Inc. PA 7 11 evergreen missing 12/31/2015 $ - 0
dshandy Follett Corp Follett Corp PA 3 evergreen missing 11/30/2015 $ - 0
dshandy Frymaster Frymaster SSA-A 16 21 evergreen missing 2/29/2016 $ - 0
dshandy Hatco Corporation Hatco Corporation PA 31 14 evergreen missing 6/1/2016 $ - 0
dshandy Hobart/Traulsen Hobart/Traulsen SSA-A 49 44 evergreen 2/28/2015 3/31/2017 $ - 0
dshandy Intek Manufacturing LLC Intek Manufacturing LLC PA 3 evergreen missing 12/31/2015 $ - 0
dshandy Micro Matic USA Micro Matic USA SSA-A 26 evergreen 5/31/2012 12/31/2015 $ - 0
dshandy National Wholesale Supply, Inc National Wholesale Supply, Inc PA 43 43 evergreen missing 12/31/2015 $ - 0
dshandy Panasonic Consumer ElectronicsPanasonic Consumer Electronics SSA-A 3 2 evergreen 12/31/2011 12/31/2015 $ - 0
dshandy Perlick Corporation Perlick Corporation SSA-A 22 evergreen missing 11/30/2015 $ - 0
dshandy Pitco Pitco SSA-A 7 evergreen missing 12/31/2015 $ - 0
dshandy Select Marketing & Distribution Select Marketing & Distribution PA 10 10 evergreen missing 12/31/2015 $ - 0
dshandy Sharp Electronics Marketing Co Sharp Electronics Marketing Co PA 2 2 evergreen missing 12/31/2015 $ - 0
dshandy Star Manufacturing Star Manufacturing SSA-A 11 11 evergreen missing 12/31/2015 $ - 0
dshandy Tarrison Products Tarrison Products PA 65 evergreen missing 12/31/2015 $ - 0
dshandy Tresko Tresko SSA-A 51 51 evergreen missing 12/31/2015 $ - 0
dshandy True Food Service Equipment True Food Service Equipment PA 22 12/31/2013 missing 12/31/2015 $ - 0
dshandy Vulcan / Wolf Vulcan / Wolf SSA-A 19 49 evergreen 2/28/2015 3/31/2017 $ - 0
dshandy Wells Mfg/Bloomfield Indust. Wells Mfg/Bloomfield Indust. SSA-A 30 18 evergreen missing 11/30/2015 $ - 0
dshandy Wilbur Curtis Company, Inc. Wilbur Curtis Company, Inc. PA 12 evergreen missing 4/30/2016 $ - 0
gmiller General Mills General Mills PA - Cereals 4 evergreen missing 1/0/1900 $ 101,574 N 0
gmiller Potato Products of Idaho Potato Products of Idaho PA 1 1/31/2014 missing 1/0/1900 $ 44,210 N 0
gmiller Hanover Hanover SSA-A 1 evergreen 12/31/2013 12/31/2015 $ 218,582 N 0
062416 Supplier has extended pricing through March 2017
per Daniela. 060116 Daniela will be presenting in PRC this
week. 042916 Per Daniela Nath - no formal RFP will be
conducted, just negotiations with incumbent suppliers.
Should be completed by May 13. 040416 Changed from
March to April per Mary Hempfling verbal 04/01/16. 012216
Change RFP from February to April per Jeanann. 011416
Brand initiatives may change for these products. Timing of Beverage/Juice category under review for elevation of offerings (Q1-Q3). Orange crops
dnath Florida's Natural Growers Florida's Natural Growers SSA-A 7 3 evergreen 12/31/2015 6/30/2016 $ 9,139,096 Y April Beverage/Juice Y RFP may change - more to come. 0 continue to deteriorate as disease in fields continues to spread without expectation of resolve.
gmiller PepsiCo, Inc. PepsiCo, Inc. SSA-A Cereals 6 1 evergreen 2/28/2016 2/29/2016 $ 580,280 N 0
gmiller Kellogg's Kellogg's PA 11 10 evergreen missing 3/31/2016 $ 514,887 N 0
gmiller B & G Foods B & G Foods PA 1 evergreen missing 4/30/2016 $ 1,845 N 0
gmiller C H Guenther & Son C H Guenther & Son SSA-A Gravy 1 evergreen 4/30/2016 4/30/2016 $ 1,172,512 N 0
gmiller Materne North America Materne North America SSA-A 1 evergreen 4/30/2016 4/30/2016 $ 1,400,520 N 0 Materne is out of the system no longer RFP
062416 Supplier has extended pricing through December
2016 per Daniela. 060116 Daniela will be presenting in PRC
this week. 042916 Per Daniela Nath - no formal RFP will be
conducted, just negotiations with incumbent suppliers.
Should be completed by May 13. 040416 Changed from
March to April per Mary Hempfling verbal 04/01/16. 012216
Change RFP from February to April per Jeanann. 011416
Brand initiatives may change for these products. Timing of Beverage/Juice category under review for elevation of offerings (Q1-Q3). Orange crops
dnath PepsiCo, Inc. PepsiCo, Inc. SSA-A Juices 12 7 evergreen 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 $ 11,524,974 Y April Beverage/Juice Y RFP may change - more to come. 0 continue to deteriorate as disease in fields continues to spread without expectation of resolve.
gmiller Unilever Foodsolutions Unilever Foodsolutions SSA-A Grocery 9 7 evergreen 5/30/2016 5/31/2016 $ 3,277,146 N 0 Not recommending an RFP on this, but could perhaps present options to consolidate mayos
gmiller ConAgra Foods ConAgra Foods SSA-A Rice Noodles and Gravy 1 1 evergreen 8/31/2014 6/30/2016 $ 483,419 N 0
gmiller Ferrero USA Ferrero USA PA 1 evergreen missing 6/30/2016 $ 814,762 N 0
gmiller McIlhenny Company McIlhenny Company SSA-A 3 1 evergreen 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 $ 1,711,553 N 0
120516 Awarded - no Final Award in PBA. 083016 In
progress. 062716 Pushed from June to September per
dnath Boyd Coffee Company Boyd Coffee Company SSA-A 13 evergreen 12/31/2015 12/31/2016 $ 5,783,996 Y September Coffee & Tea Y Daniela. 0 0 Working with incumbents only - focus blend, diffs, shrink, ect.
gmiller Atalanta Corporation Atalanta Corporation SSA-A 1 4 evergreen 8/31/2016 8/31/2016 $ 2,698,966 n 0 Explore alternatives
120516 Awarded - no Final Award in PBA. 083016 In
progress. 062716 Pushed from June to September per
dnath Royal Cup Coffee Amendment Royal Cup Coffee SSA-A #1 12 12/31/2016 missing 3/31/2016 $ 5,671,716 Y September Coffee & Tea Y Daniela. 0 Working with incumbents only - focus blend, diffs, shrink, ect.
gmiller Riviana Foods, Inc/American Rice Riviana Foods/American Rice SSAA 1 1 evergreen 10/1/2015 9/30/2016 $ 329,017 N 0
120516 Awarded - no Final Award in PBA. 083016 In
progress. 062716 Pushed from June to September per
dnath S&D Coffee S&D Coffee SSA-A 13 22 evergreen 12/31/2015 3/31/2016 $ 10,466,466 Y September Coffee & Tea Y Daniela. 0 Working with incumbents only - focus blend, diffs, shrink, ect.
gmiller American Roland Food Corp. American Roland SSA-A 2 evergreen 12/31/2015 12/31/2016 $ 1,201,124 N 0
gmiller Cholula Food Company Cholula Food Company SSA-A 3 evergreen 10/31/2015 12/31/2016 $ 2,899,981 N 0
gmiller Par-Way/Tryson Company Par-Way/Tryson Company PA 1 1 evergreen missing 12/31/2016 $ 26,421 N 0
120516 Contract is now Evergreen - no RFP required.
040416 Changed from March to October per Mary
dnath Campbell North America Campbell North America PA 7 2 evergreen missing 12/31/2015 $ 307,064 Y October Tomato Juice Hempfling verbal 04/01/16. 0 Beverage/Juice category under review for elevation of offerings (Q1-Q3).
gmiller Dr Pepper Snapple Group Dr Pepper Snapple Group Applesauce PA 1 evergreen missing 12/31/2016 $ 71,694 N 0 Motts just extended to both brands. New contract started
120516 Awarded. 110116 In progress. Not formal so not RFP begin end Q2 (syrups and mixes).
dnath American Beverage Marketers American Beverage Marketers SSA-A 8 evergreen 12/31/2015 12/31/2016 $ 837,242 Y September Syrups / Mixes Y going through HAVI. 15000 15000 From this vendor bar drink syrups.
120516 Awarded. 110116 In progress. Not formal so not
dnath Kerry Inc. Kerry Inc. SSA-A - Syrups 2 26 evergreen 12/31/2015 12/31/2016 $ 6,877,279 Y September Syrups / Mixes Y going through HAVI. 137000 137000 RFP begin end Q2 (syrups and mixes)
gmiller Basic American Foods Basic American Foods SSA-A 3 10/31/2016 missing 11/30/2019 $ 18,485,659 N 0 No other manufacturer has capability to compete
gmiller ConAgra - Lamb Weston ConAgra - Lamb Weston SSA-A 2 8 evergreen 12/31/2015 11/30/2019 $ 41,520,022 N 0
gmiller McCain Foods McCain Foods SSA-A Potatoes/Rings 3 5 evergreen 12/31/2016 11/30/2019 $ 12,381,638 N 0
120516 Awarded. 110116 In progress. Not formal so not
dnath Monin Monin SSA-A 38 6 evergreen 12/31/2015 12/31/2016 $ 3,228,821 Y September Syrups / Mixes Y going through HAVI. 50000 50000 RFP begin end Q2 (syrups and mixes)
Beverage/Juice category under review for elevation of offerings (Q1-Q3).
011416 Brand initiatives may change for these products. From this vendor, hot cocoa envelopes only. Expect a savings however small for this line item,
JRichards ConAgra Foods ConAgra Foods SSA-A - Beverages 1 1 evergreen missing 5/29/2016 $ 472,039 N February Beverage/Juice Y Timing of RFP may change - more to come. 15000 15000 greater in beverage/juice category scope.
110116 This RFP will not be done as it is less than 500K -
dnath Dr Pepper Snapple Group Dr Pepper Snapple Group PA - IBC, grenadine, lime juice 4 evergreen missing 12/31/2016 $ 356,549 Y September Mixes changed to Evergreen. 0 RFP begin end Q2 (syrups and mixes)
jawilson Pineland Farms Naturally Potatoes SSA-A (Pineland Farms) 2 evergreen 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 $ 6,656,826 Y December 120516 No RFP will be done per Jared. 0 Work with potential alt source but will need Brand support
jawilson McCain Foods McCain Foods SSA-A Veggie Blend 1 evergreen 12/31/2016 12/31/2016 $ 1,460,892 Y December 120516 No RFP will be done per Jared. 0
083016 Will not be doing - pricing has been negotiated.
jawilson Haliburton International Corp Haliburton International Corp SSA-A 1 2 evergreen 6/30/2016 8/30/2016 $ 3,517,862 Y June 062716 Jared evaluating necessity for RFP. 0
102516 Awarded - Final Award Scenario in PBA.083016 In
jawilson Schreiber Foods International Schreiber Foods International SSA-A 2 1 evergreen 8/31/2016 8/31/2016 $ 851,293 Y September Maraschino Cherries Y progress. 0 Explore alternatives
040416 Pricing was extended through 03/31/17 so no RFP
needed per Mary Hempfling. 011416 Brand initiatives may
change for these products. Timing of RFP may change - Beverage/Juice category under review for elevation of offerings (Q1-Q3).
JRichards Harvest Hill Beverage Company Harvest Hill SSAA 3 evergreen 3/31/2016 3/31/2016 $ 1,504,924 N March Beverage/Juice Y more to come. 45000 45000 From this vendor juices (apple, grape and orange single serve).
040416 Pricing was extended through 05/31/17 so no RFP
needed per Mary Hempfling. 011416 Brand initiatives may
change for these products. Timing of RFP may change - Beverage/Juice category under review for elevation of offerings (Q1-Q3).
JRichards Ocean Spray Ocean Spray SSA-A 5 1 evergreen 2/28/2016 2/29/2016 $ 2,069,550 N March Beverage/Juice Y more to come. 40000 40000 From this vendor cranberry white and red juice.
052016 Awarded - Final Award Scenario in PBA. 033116 In
progress. 031016 Per Mary's email dated 03/10/16 - Kim
will be doing RFP on onion rings in March. 011316 No RFP
jawilson Great American Appetizers Great American Appetizers SSA-A 2 evergreen 8/31/2016 5/31/2016 $ 7,986,079 Y March for onion rings per Mary Hempfling. #NAME? #NAME? Onion Ring RFP especially Fry Foods test goes well
052016 Awarded - Final Award Scenario in PBA. 033116 In
progress. 031016 Per Mary's email dated 03/10/16 - Kim
will be doing RFP on onion rings in March. 011316 No RFP
jawilson Fry Foods, Inc Fry Foods PA - Onion Rings, Green Beans 2 evergreen missing 10/31/2016 $ - Y March for onion rings per Mary Hempfling. 0 Onion Ring RFP especially if Fry Foods test goes well
5/10/2017 \\de-dd401\SharedCSCS\All\Lenexa\_New CSCS Folder Structure\Procurement\RFP Calendar & KPI Development\2016\RFP Calendar 2016