Page 442 - Onboarding May 2017
P. 442

110116 Awarded.  100416 No RFP will be done through
                                                                                                                               HAVI - negotiated outside of system.  053116 In progress -
                                                jawilson  Bay Valley Foods  Bay Valley SSA-A  4  1 evergreen  7/31/2013  12/31/2016 $                    1,998,360  Y  May  on hold per Jared as they are in negotiations with Bay Valley.  0  RFP Pickles - both brands
                                                                                                                               110116 Awarded.  100416 No RFP will be done through
                                                                                                                               HAVI - negotiated outside of system.  053116 In progress -
                                                jawilson  Vienna Beef, LTD  Vienna Beef, LTD PA  2    evergreen  missing  12/31/2016 $                       384,938  Y  May  on hold per Jared as they are in negotiations with Bay Valley.  0  RFP Pickles
                                                jawilson  JR Simplot  JR Simplot SSA-A  6  6 evergreen  12/31/2015  11/30/2019 $                  11,201,045  Y  0  Targeting Quinoa eval against Haliburton and maybe other non fry items (expire 6/30)
                                                JRichards  CTI Foods  CTI Foods SSA-A Soups     1 evergreen  3/31/2016  7/31/2016 $                       632,470  N  Soups  0  0  Brand announced they will develop new soup and sauces program (start Q2)
                                                JRichards  Portsmouth Chowder Company Portsmouth Chowder Company SSA-A     2 evergreen  10/31/2014  10/31/2016 $                       239,115  N  Soups  0  0  Brand announced they will develop new soup and sauces program (start Q2)
                                                JRichards  Tyson Prepared Foods  Tyson Prepared Foods SSA-A Soups and Sauces  5  14 evergreen  12/31/2015  7/31/2016 $                  19,022,752  N  Soups  500000  500000  Brand announced they will develop new soup and sauces program (start Q2)
                                                                                                                                                          Beverage/Juice category under review for elevation of offerings (Q1-Q3).
                                                                                                                               011416 Brand initiatives may change for these products.    From this vendor lime juice, lemon juice and lemonade.  Lemon groves also damaged by
                                                JRichards  Sun Orchard  Sun Orchard SSA-A     4 evergreen  12/31/2015  12/31/2016 $                    1,301,881  N  Beverage/Juice  Timing of RFP may change - more to come.  0  0  same disease as oranges.  Availability and costs tighten.
                                                JRichards  Nestle Waters  Nestle Waters PA  9  10 evergreen  missing  12/31/2015 $                       287,300  N  N  0
                                                JRichards  Califia Farms, LLC  Califia Farms PA  2    evergreen  missing  12/31/2015 $                               -  N  DELETE  0  this is being deleted
                                                JRichards  Coca Cola  Coca Cola PA  27  39 evergreen  missing  12/31/2015 $                    2,850,450  N  0  n/a - national contract, Atlanta area only (home of coca-cola)
                                                JRichards  Dr Pepper Snapple Group  Dr Pepper Snapple Group Soda SSA-A  2  1  12/31/2021  12/31/2021  12/31/2016 $                    4,060,219  N  0  n/a = long term national contract
                                                JRichards  Island Oasis  Island Oasis SSA-A     10 evergreen  12/31/2015  12/31/2015 $                    5,183,575  N  0  Will review - contracts tied to equipment (artificial [fruit] drink mix and lemonade).  Will discuss p
                                                JRichards  Nestle Professional  Nestle SSA-A Drink Mixes  4  2 evergreen  missing  3/31/2016 $                       335,022  N  0
                                                JRichards  Pepsi  Pepsi Beverage SSA-A  43  57  12/31/2021  12/31/2021  12/31/2015 $                  59,601,839  N  Term / Contract  0  n/a = long term national contract
                                                JRichards  Unilever Foodsolutions  Unilever Foodsolutions SSA-A Beverage  7  5 evergreen  missing  5/31/2016 $                       377,986  N  Changing To / Tea  Deleting  0  n/a = tea being discontinued with summer menu (changing to Revolution Tea)
                                                                                                                               020117 Awarded.  080116 In progress outside of HAVI.
                                                                                                                               062716 Doing outside of HAVI per Jeremy - roasted sliced
                                                jrollins  Cuisine Solutions Inc.  Cuisine Solutions Inc. SSA-A  1  1 evergreen  12/31/2015  12/31/2015 $                  20,813,503  Y  June  N  turkey.  -1910000  -1910000  Increase is market driven. Based on 2016 contract terms.
                                                                                                                               020117 Awarded.  080116 In progress outside of HAVI.
                                                                                                                               062716 Doing outside of HAVI per Jeremy - roasted sliced
                                                jrollins  Ed Miniat LLC  Ed Miniat, Inc. SSA-A - Turkey  1  1 evergreen  missing  1/31/2016 $                    3,848,297  Y  June  N  turkey.  -760000  -760000  Increase is market driven. Based on 2016 contract terms.
                                                                                                                               020117 Awarded - waiting on Final Award Scenario.  111816
                                                jrollins  Albertville Quality Foods, Inc.  Albertville Quality Foods SSA-A  1  3 evergreen  2/29/2016  11/30/2019 $                    1,819,913  Y  October  Chicken RFP  Y  In progress.  3300000  3300000  Poultry RFP savings is est. to be $13.6M. Albertville accounts for 24%.
                                                                                                                               020117 Awarded - waiting on Final Award Scenario.  111816
                                                jrollins  Brakebush Brothers, Inc.  Brakebush Brothers SSA-A  1  1 evergreen  2/29/2016  2/29/2016 $                    9,298,563  Y  October  Chicken RFP  Y  In progress.  630,000  630000  Poultry RFP savings is est. to be $13.6M. Brakebush accounts for 5%.
                                                                                                                               020117 Awarded - waiting on Final Award Scenario.  111816
                                                jrollins  Filet of Chicken  Filet of Chicken SSA-A     7 evergreen  2/29/2016  11/30/2019 $                  64,898,763  Y  October  Chicken RFP  Y  In progress.  3200000  3200000  Poultry RFP savings is est. to be $13.6M. FOC accounts for 23%.
                                                jrollins  Koch  Koch SSA-A       2   5 evergreen  2/29/2016  11/30/2019 $                  91,393,056  Y  October  Chicken RFP  Y  020117 Awarded - waiting on Final Award Scenario.  111816   4075000  4075000  Poultry RFP savings is est. to be $13.6M.  Koch accounts for 30%.
                                                jrollins  Pilgrim's Pride  Pilgrim's Pride SSA-A  1    evergreen  12/31/2015  12/31/2015 $                    3,422,089  Y  October  Chicken RFP  Y  020117 Awarded - waiting on Final Award Scenario.  111816   0  8 piece product is going MSG free and OMI. Product will move to Brakebush.
                                                                                                                               020117 Awarded - waiting on Final Award Scenario.  111816
                                                jrollins  Simmons Prepared Foods, Inc.  Simmons Prepared Foods, Inc. SSA-A Chicken     6 evergreen  2/29/2016  11/30/2019 $                  30,000,748  Y  October  Chicken RFP  Y  In progress.  1850000  1850000  Poultry RFP savings is est. to be $13.6M.  Simmons accounts for 14%.
                                                jrollins  Tyson Foods, Inc.  Tyson SSA-A Chicken  2  3 evergreen  2/29/2016  2/29/2016 $                  21,568,557  Y  October  Chicken RFP  Y  020117 Awarded - waiting on Final Award Scenario.  111816   563000  563000  Poultry RFP savings is est. to be $13.6M.  Tyson accounts for 4%.
                                                jrollins  Wayne Farms LLC  Wayne Farms SSA-A  1    evergreen  2/29/2016  12/31/2015 $                       698,985  Y  October  Chicken RFP  Y  020117 Awarded - waiting on Final Award Scenario.  111816   -10000  -10000  Formula pricing is the same. DOT fees increased by $.05/lb.
                                                jrollins  Foster Farms  Foster Farms SSA-A     1 evergreen  2/28/2016  2/29/2016 $                       425,320  N  N  14000  14000  Decrease is market driven and calculated on a $.02/lb. savings at 2015 volume.
                                                jrollins  Jennie-O Turkey Store  Jennie-O Turkey Store PA     1  11/30/2015 missing  11/30/2015 $                         29,754  N  N/A  0  Informed that product was being deleted.
                                                                                                                               This will be informal negotiations if IHOP decides to change
                                                jrollins  Kraft  Kraft SSA-A - Turkey  1    evergreen  missing  6/30/2016 $                    2,020,227  Y  March  N  suppliers.  0  Contract ends in June. No estimated changes currently.
                                                jrollins  Perdue Farms, Inc.  Perdue Farms, Inc. SSA-A  3    evergreen  12/31/2015  12/31/2016 $                    1,133,734  N  N  -25863  -25863  Increase is market driven. Based on 2016 contract terms.
                                                jschmidt  DataSource, Inc.  Data Source, Inc. SSA-A     1 evergreen  12/31/2014  12/31/2015 $                         39,711  N  0
                                                jschmidt  Ecolab Food Safety Specialties  Ecolab Food Safety Specialties SSA-A  23  25  6/30/2020 missing  6/30/2016 $                    3,073,296  N  0
                                                jschmidt  Green Guard  Green Guard SSA-A  54  53 evergreen  11/30/2013  12/31/2015 $                               -  N  0
                                                jschmidt  HPI Direct  HPI Direct SSA-A  1  21 evergreen  6/30/2014  12/30/2016 $                       872,150  N  0
                                                jschmidt  Orange Tree Employment ScreenOrange Tree Employment Screen SSA-A  8  8 evergreen  6/30/2013  6/30/2016 $                               -  N  0
                                                                                                                               062716 Awarded - Final Award scenario in PBA.  040616 In
                                                                                                                               progress.  033116 Had meeting with Jennifer regarding how
                                                                                                                               to set up.  Will send out RFI first, then RFP questions.  She is
                                                jschmidt  Terminix International   Terminix International PA  4  4 evergreen  missing  12/31/2016 $                               -  Y  March  Pest  Y  getting information together to send to me.  0
                                                nworkman  Custom Foods of America  Custom Foods of America  SSA-A     2 evergreen  12/31/2015  12/31/2016 $                    3,727,266  N  Nicole W.   0
                                                                                                                               011216 Nicole will discuss with Kevin.  May change to March
                                                                                                                               as she is waiting on brand testing as some items may
                                                nworkman  Cargill Dressings and Sauces  Cargill Dressings & Sauces SSA-A  1  18 evergreen  7/31/2016  7/31/2016 $                  16,194,321  N  Dressing RFP  change formulation.  0  No formal RFP planned due to culinary work on base sauces
                                                                                                                               011216 Nicole will discuss with Kevin.  May change to March
                                                                                                                               as she is waiting on brand testing as some items may
                                                nworkman  T. Marzetti  T. Marzetti SSA-A Dressings and Sauces  9  25 evergreen  7/31/2016  7/31/2016 $                  25,985,183  N  Dressing RFP  change formulation.  0  No formal RFP planned due to culinary work on base sauces
                                                knordike  Multiple                                        Y  April  3PL        120516 Awarded.  050316 In progress.
                                                                                                                               103116 Awarded - Final Award Scenario in PBA.  080116 In
                                                                                                                               progress.  062816 Nicole is sending out CRN and getting
                                                nworkman  Kagome Inc.  Kagome Foods SSA-A     3 evergreen  9/30/2015  9/30/2016 $                    8,751,048  Y  June  Red Sauce RFP  RFP form together to send to me.  0
                                                                                                                               103116 Awarded - Final Award Scenario in PBA.  080116 In
                                                                                                                               progress.  062816 Nicole is sending out CRN and getting
                                                nworkman  Neil Jones Food Company  Neil Jones SSA-A     2 evergreen  9/30/2015  9/30/2016 $                    1,950,355  Y  June  Red Sauce RFP  RFP form together to send to me.  0
                                                                                                                               103116 Awarded - Final Award Scenario in PBA.  080116 In
                                                                                                                               progress.  062816 Nicole is sending out CRN and getting
                                                nworkman  Paradise Tomato Kitchens  Paradise Tomato Kitchens SSA-A  2  3 evergreen  9/30/2015  9/30/2016 $                    5,671,053  Y  June  Red Sauce RFP  RFP form together to send to me.  0
                                                                                                                               080116 Not doing this RFP per Nicole - have already
                                                nworkman  Cargill Oils  Cargill Oils SSA-A  4  4 evergreen  12/31/2016  12/31/2016 $                  17,800,950  Y  August  Oil RFP  negotiated pricing for one year.  0  market based
                                                nworkman  Griffith Laboratories  Griffith Laboratories SSA-A     1 evergreen  12/31/2015  12/31/2016 $                    1,252,382  N  Seasoning RFP  0
                                                nworkman  Illes Seasonings & Flavors  Illes Seasonings & Flavors SSA-A  3  8 evergreen  12/31/2015  6/30/2016 $                    1,546,977  N  Seasoning RFP  0
                                                nworkman  International Flavors & FragranceInternational Flavor & Fragran SSA-A     1 evergreen  12/31/2015  12/31/2016 $                       422,769  N  Seasoning RFP  0
                                                nworkman  Kerry Inc.  Kerry Inc. SSA-A - Seasonings  3  6 evergreen  12/31/2015  12/31/2016 $                    1,785,875  N  Seasoning RFP  0
                                                nworkman  McCormick  McCormick PA  1  3 evergreen  missing  7/31/2016 $                       201,951  N  Seasoning RFP  0
                                                nworkman  Newly Weds Foods  Newly Weds Foods SSA-A     8 evergreen  12/31/2015  12/31/2016 $                       951,709  N  Seasoning RFP  90000  90000
                                                                                                                               080116 Not doing this RFP per Nicole - have already
                                                nworkman  Ventura Foods  Ventura Foods SSA-A  3  3 evergreen  12/31/2016  12/31/2016 $                  12,327,145  Y  August  Oil RFP  negotiated pricing for one year.  0  market based
                                                nworkman  ACH Food Companies, Inc.  ACH Food Companies, Inc. SSA-A  5  8 evergreen  2/29/2016  2/28/2016 $                       794,959  N  -10000  -10000  off the shelf spices, may have pepper increase
                                                nworkman  Cargill Salt  Cargill Salt SSA-A  9  9 evergreen  9/30/2015  11/30/2016 $                       762,305  N  0
                                                                                                                               062716 Awarded - Final Award scenario in PBA.  033116 In
                                                nworkman  ConAgra Foods  ConAgra Foods SSA-A Oils  1    evergreen  11/30/2015  6/30/2016 $                       692,424  Y  April  progress.  0  aresol pan spray
                                                nworkman  Custom Culinary, Inc.  Custom Culinary, Inc. SSA-A  3  10 evergreen  9/30/2016  12/31/2016 $                    3,371,692  N  0  new custom sauce
                                                nworkman  Ken's Foods, Inc.  Ken's Foods, Inc. PA  3    evergreen  missing  4/30/2016 $                         21,482  N  0  stock dressing, should stay with grocery??
                                                                                                                               040116 NFB excessive packaging has put this project on
                                                nworkman  National Food and Beverage Inc. National Food and Beverage Inc. SSA-A     1 evergreen  10/31/2015  6/30/2016 $                       553,715  Y  March  hold per Nicole.  0  look at alt. sourcesteak sauce, ingredient only, not moving forward for table top
                                                nworkman  Naturally Fresh, Inc.  Naturally Fresh, Inc. PA  1    evergreen  missing  6/30/2016 $                         16,582  N  0  stock dressing, should stay with grocery??
                                                nworkman  Tyson Prepared Foods  Tyson Prepared Foods SSA-A Pomodoro Sauce     1 evergreen  missing  12/31/2015 $                    1,676,835  N  0
                                                scollins1  Cargill Case Ready-Fresh  Cargill Case Ready-Fresh SSA-A     1 evergreen  missing  11/30/2016 $                  51,934,345  Y  July  Fresh Ground Beef  Y  050117 Awarded per Shannon - analysis done outside of                       845,000  Cost savings initiative in place to reduce packaging cost
                                                scollins1  Tyson Foods, Inc.  Tyson SSA-A Fresh Ground Beef     1 evergreen  missing  11/30/2016 $                    7,964,049  Y  July  Fresh Ground Beef  Y  050117 Awarded per Shannon - analysis done outside of                       845,000  Cost savings initiative in place to reduce packaging cost
                                                                                                                                                          Not a proprietary item need to find secondary supplier that can offer hedge opportunities and
                                                scollins1  Fresh Mark Inc  Fresh Mark/Sugardale Food Service SSA-A     1 evergreen  12/31/2015  11/30/2016 $                  10,561,935  Y  December  Y  120616 No RFP will be done per Shannon.  capable of fully belly utilization Cooking Ends and Pieces
                                                scollins1  Smithfield - Farmland  Smithfield - Farmland SSA-A - Pork  17  2 evergreen  12/31/2015  12/31/2016 $                  77,377,249  Y  December  Y  120616 No RFP will be done per Shannon.  Critical to find secondary supplier for Bacon and FC Sausage Link
                                                scollins1  Smithfield - Farmland  Smithfield - Farmland SSA-A IHOP Smoked Sausage  1    evergreen  1/1/2016  12/31/2016 $                    3,756,848  Y  December  Y  Critical to find secondary supplier for Bacon and FC Sausage Link
                                                                                                                               120616 No RFP will be done per Shannon.  100416
                                                scollins1  Stampede Meat, Inc.  Stampede Meat, Inc. SSA-A Further Processed  2    evergreen  7/31/2014  12/31/2016 $                  16,138,773  Y  December  Y  Changed from August to December per Shannon.  Currently 100% and single plant source Critical
                                                scollins1  Ameristar Meats  Ameristar Meats PA     1 evergreen  missing  12/31/2016 $                         80,838  N  Frozen Program for AK units only
                                                scollins1  Birchwood Foods  Birchwood Foods SSA-A  2    evergreen  3/31/2015  12/31/2016 $                    6,450,914  N                   1,300,000  Brand moving to Choice Chuck upgraded patty in February
                                                scollins1  Hormel  Hormel SSA-A - Pork  1    evergreen  missing  12/31/2016 $                         83,792  N  Optional menu item
                                                scollins1  J&B Wholesale Incorporated  J&B Wholesale Incorporated PA  1    evergreen  missing  12/31/2016 $                               -  N  New to system IHOP CH Chuck Patty effective February
                                                scollins1  National Steak and Poultry  National Steak and Poultry SSA-A - Steak  1  7 evergreen  4/30/2015  11/30/2019 $                  28,926,699  N                   3,000,000  HCWF grill platform change to top butts
                                                scollins1  ProPortion Foods, LLC  ProPortion Foods, LLC SSA-A Steaks     5 evergreen  12/31/2015  11/30/2019 $                    5,102,040  N                   3,000,000  HCWF grill platform change to top butts
                                                scollins1  Stampede Meat, Inc.  Stampede Meat, Inc. SSA-A Steaks  7  21  1/1/2015  12/1/2014  11/30/2019 $                146,075,473  Y  September  Y                   3,000,000  RFP the IHOP Beef items / HCWF grill platform change to top butts
                                                scollins1  Standard Meat Company  Standard Meat Company PA  2  4 evergreen  missing  11/30/2019 $                    3,602,209  N                   3,000,000  HCWF grill platform change to top butts
                                                scollins1  Syracuse Sausage  Syracuse Sausage SSAA     1 evergreen  12/31/2015  1/31/2016 $                    4,175,418  N  Kobe Meatballs deleted
                                                scollins1  Tyson Foods, Inc.  Tyson SSA-A Pork     2 evergreen  12/31/2014  11/30/2016 $                    6,079,882  N  New item to system with HCWF grill platform
                                                                                                                               062716 Awarded - Final Award scenario in PBA.  040616 In
                                                                                                                               progress.  033116 Had meeting with Jennifer regarding how
                                                                                                                               to set up.  Will send out RFI first, then RFP questions.  She is
                                                Jschmidt  Ecolab  Ecolab Pest                   6/30/2016  2200000  Y  March  Pest  getting information together to send to me.
                                                5/10/2017                                                                                        \\de-dd401\SharedCSCS\All\Lenexa\_New CSCS Folder Structure\Procurement\RFP Calendar & KPI Development\2016\RFP Calendar 2016
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