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P. 498

(b)       Workplace.  Supplier will provide its employees with a safe and healthy workplace in compliance
            with all applicable laws;

                                       (c)       Voluntary Employment.  Supplier will only employ persons whose presence is voluntary. Supplier
            shall not use any form of corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion as a form of discipline of its employees;

                                       (d)       Environmental Laws.  Supplier will comply with all applicable environmental laws;

                                       (e)       Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002.  Supplier will
            comply with all applicable provisions of the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002
            and any regulations promulgated thereunder, including, without limitation, the registration and notice requirements thereof;

                                        (f)       Inspections.  Supplier acknowledges and agrees that the Servicers and/or the Co-op may engage in
            activities such as the unannounced inspection of Supplier's facilities during regular business hours in order to monitor
            compliance with this Agreement.

             Item 29 -  Food Safety Audits.
            In addition to any other requirements of this Agreement, Supplier agrees to submit, at Supplier's expense, to such audits of
            food safety as are established from time to time by the Servicers. Such audits shall be annual in nature, unless issues arise
            which the Co-op or the Servicers believe justify more frequent auditing activity.

             Item 30 -  Indemnification.
            Supplier hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Co-op, its Selected Buyers, and the Servicers, as well as
            each of their respective franchisees, officers, directors, licensees, consignees, agents, employees, representatives,
            successors and assigns affiliates, parents and subsidiaries (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties") from and against any and
            all actions, claims, suits, losses, damages, obligations, liabilities and/or expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) of
            every kind whatsoever which may arise in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from or be connected with (a) the breach of
            any warranty, express or implied, and/or any accident, occurrence, injury to persons or property which may occur before or
            after acceptance of the Products by any of them which shall arise from, be caused by, or be connected with, in whole or in
            part, directly or indirectly, the preparation, processing, manufacture, completion, delivery, operation, consumption and/or use
            of the Products, and/or (b) the breach of any covenant or agreement of Supplier contained in this Agreement.  Such defense
            and indemnity shall include, without limitation, any claim that an Indemnified Party is liable for damage, injury, loss, cost or
            expense resulting from its or their design, approval, or use of the Products (including, but not limited to, any cost or expense
            relating to warranty or other claims relating to Products purchased by the Co-op or any Selected Buyer).  Notwithstanding the
            foregoing, Supplier does not agree to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless a particular Indemnified Party for any claim, suit,
            loss, damage, liability or expense to the extent arising from the negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnified Party in
            the operation, consumption, use or sale (but not the acceptance or approval) of the Products.  If Supplier fails promptly to
            assume or at any time to vigorously defend any action, claim, suit or proceeding relating to the foregoing indemnities, then
            the Indemnified Party or other affected parties as appropriate, and their respective successors in interest and assignees,
            may, but are not obligated to, defend the action in the manner it or they deem appropriate, and Supplier shall pay to the
            appropriate party any amount incurred, which shall include, for this purpose, any settlement incurred or agreed to by the
            Indemnified Party as well as all reasonable legal fees and costs incurred.  The provisions of this Section 30 shall survive the
            expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement.

             Item 31 -  Product Recall, Recovery, Replacement, and/or Retrofit.
            In the event it is deemed necessary by a governmental entity, the Supplier, the Servicers, and/or the Co-op to recall, recover,
            replace and/or retrofit any of the Products for any reason bearing on their quality, functionality and/or safety, Supplier agrees
            to comply diligently with all recall, recovery, replacement and/or retrofit procedures established from time to time by the
            Servicers or the Co-op.  Furthermore, Supplier agrees to bear all costs and expenses incurred by it, the Servicers, the Co-op
            and/or its Selected Buyers in compliance with such recall, recovery, replacement and/or retrofit procedures to the extent due
            to the breach by Supplier of the terms of this Agreement.  In the event Supplier fails or refuses to comply with the recall,
            recovery, replacement and/or retrofit procedures required hereunder upon the request of the Servicers or the Co-op, the Co-
            op and/or its Selected Buyers shall be authorized to take such action as they deem necessary to complete the recall,
            recovery, replacement and/or retrofit and Supplier shall reimburse the Servicers, the Co-op and its Selected Buyers for their
            costs and expenses, including, but not limited to, their reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in such recall procedures; any
            such action taken by the Co-op and/or its Selected Buyers shall not relieve Supplier of its obligations hereunder.  Supplier
            also agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to promptly implement any recall, recovery, replacement and/or retrofit solutions to
            any Products not yet delivered.  The Co-op and/or the Servicers shall use commercially reasonable efforts to provide
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