Page 522 - Onboarding May 2017
P. 522

Summary of Obsolete Inventory
                                             Q4 2016 vs. Estimated Q1 2017
                                                                              Q4-2016                  Estimated Q1-2017             Variance & Mitigation
                                                                   Potential                    Potential
                                                                   System    Potential    Potential    Max.   System    Potential    Potential    Max.    Min.
                                                                  Obsolete   Company    Franchise   Company   Obsolete   Company    Franchise   Company   Company
                                               Category  Event  Product Description  Exposure   Liability   Liability   Exposure    Actual Exposure   Exposure   Liability   Liability   Exposure   Exposure   Mitigation/Comments
                                                                                                                        Brand made decision to delete this item from the November menu (11/12/2016).  Anticipated
                                             Supplier Obsolete  C5-2015  Banana Foster Sauce  $        119,531  $        135,940  $                122,292  exposure once discontinued is $105,284
                                                                                                                        Item was missed on forecast when we moved to pre battered onion tangles.  Working with
                                             Supplier Obsolete  C4-2015  Flour   $          8,990    $        14,179   $                   6,861   vendor and ITI to repurpose inventory.  Inventory will not expire until Nov 2016 & Jan 2017.
                                                                                                                        Item sold under C5 (Salads) 2016 forecast.  Culinary reviewing other plate presentation options.
                                             DC Obsolete  C5-2016  Vinaigrette Base   $        14,755    $        17,587   $                   9,425   We would also need a shelf life extension as product will soon be expiring (120 shelf life)
                                                                                                                        Item sold under C5 (Salads) 2016 forecast.  Decision needs to be made to write off or use this
                                             DC Obsolete  C5-2016  Honey, Sue Bee   $          4,452    $          5,343   $                   3,352   item in other applications.  Shelf Life is 1,095 days.
                                                         Feta & Grapefruit, Red,                                        Items sold under C5 (Salads) 2016 forecast.  PO's have already been issued to the DCs by
                                             DC Obsolete  C5-2016  Sections   $        10,284    $        10,284   $                 10,784   Amy for these items.
                                                         Banana Foster Sauce
                                             Supplier Obsolete  C5-2015  (storage fees)  $            7,500  $            7,500  $                    1,341  Q2 storage fees.
                                             Total                      $ 165,512.00   $              -     $ 190,833.00   $          154,056.16
                                                                                                                        Shorty Shake sold significantly under forecast.  Forecasted to sell 4.1, sold .8.  Q3 initial
                                                                                                                        estimate reduced from 30k to 15k (vendor agreed we are not liable for remaining inventory at
                                             DC Obsolete  C2-2016  Salted Caramel   $        15,755    $        15,755  Carry over to Q1  $          15,755  $          15,755  $          10,475 their facilities).
                                                                                                                        Unique remaining RAW inventory exposure for Bacon Vinaigrette when we transitioned to BOH
                                             Supplier Obsolete  C2-2016  Imitation Bacon Bits   $        12,000    $        12,000   Carry over to Q1   $          12,000  $          12,000  $          12,000 Vinaigrette base
                                                                                                                        Inventory was purchased while we were waiting on count of stores actually needing.  # of stores
                                             Supplier Obsolete  C4-2016  Oak Smoke   $          1,303    $          2,000   Carry over to Q1   $            1,303  $            2,000  $           1,500   using continues to decrease.
                                                                                                                        Estimated Cornbread croutons exposure (Max & Min) is for Q2 2017.  Q4 estimate was 110k.
                                                                                                                        Picture add for C2 & C3 is supposed to lift sales .7 PRPD or 91 cs per week.  If forecasted lift
                                                                                                                        occurs, exposure should be reduced to 44k.  If there is no incremental lift, exposure will be 96k.
                                             Supplier Obsolete  C5-2016  Cornbread   $      110,000    $      110,000   Carry over to Q2   $          96,274  $          96,274  $         44,474   Robert to reach out to QA and explore shelf life extension options.
                                             Total                      $     7,500.00   $              -     $     7,500.00   $              1,340.95    $ 125,332.00   $              -     $ 126,029.00   $   68,449.00
                                                                                                                        Requested final obsolete numbers from the DCs; will respond back with update as soon as I
                                             Supplier Obsolete  C8-2016  Rice Noodles              TBD        TBD  TBD  receive responses from all of the DCs
                                                                                                                        Min. Company Exposure ($1,458) at mainline DCs.  Max. Company Exposure ($6,009)
                                                                                                                        represents product at Ed Don and Mainline DCs.  CSCS working to mitigate Ed Don exposure.
                                                                                                                        After guidance was given to vendor for depletion, sales decreased 31% from 45 cs to 31 cs per
                                             DC Obsolete  C4 2015  Ruby Red Syrup                  $            6,009  $            6,009  $           1,458   week.
                                                                                                                        Min. Company Exposure ($1,179) at mainline DCs.  Max. Company Exposure ($6,246)
                                             DC Obsolete  C2-2016  Mason Jars                      $            6,246  $            6,246  $           1,179   represents product at Ed Don and Mainline DCs.  CSCS working to mitigate Ed Don exposure.
                                             Total                                                 $          12,255  $              -  $          12,255  $            2,637
                                                    GRAND TOTAL
   517   518   519   520   521   522   523   524   525   526   527