Page 2 - Jurys Employee Handbook 2018 final version 19.7.18
P. 2

Employee Handbook

               Personal welcome to you from Jurys Inn Managing Director.................... 3
               Company Values.............................................................. 4
               The Employee Code of Conduct................................................ 7

               1.     Joining the Company ................................................... 8
               2.     Learning and Development Learning Programmes ......................... 10

               3.     Colleague Benefits ................................................... 17
               4.     Talking To Each Other ................................................ 27
               5.     The Green Agenda ..................................................... 29

               6.     Charity -Together We Can Make A Difference For Others ................ 30
               7.     All You Need to Know About Working with Us ........................... 31

               8.     Pay and Hours ........................................................ 37
               9.     Annual Leave, Sickness and Abscence .................................. 41
               10.    Safety and Security .................................................. 43

               11.    Additional Support For Your Queries - My HR .......................... 44
               12.    Leaving Us ........................................................... 45

               13.    Policy Appendix ...................................................... 46
               14.    Company History ...................................................... 54
               15.    Code of Conduct ...................................................... 56

               Search Facility

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               for and hit return. You will get a list of the pages where your item is featured; click on the one of interest
               and you will be taken straight to that page.

               If you click on a chapter above, you will also be taken straight to it.

               In the policy appendix section if you have Grow open and click on a full policy hyperlink it will take you
               straight to the policy.

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