Page 40 - INSEA Handbook D1
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Local Government: Municipal Structures Act 117 of 1998
To provide for the establishment of municipalities in accordance with the requirements relating to categories
and types of municipality; to establish criteria for determining the category of municipality to be established
in an area; to define the types of municipality that may be established within each category; to provide for
an appropriate division of functions and powers between categories of municipality; to regulate the internal
systems, structures and office-bearers of municipalities; to provide for appropriate electoral systems; and to
provide for matters in connection therewith.
Long-Term Insurance Act 52 of 1998
To provide for the registration of long-term insurer; for the control of certain activities of long-term insurers and
intermediaries; and for matters connected therewith.
National Health Act 61 of 2003
To provide a framework for a structured uniform health system within the Republic, taking into account the
obligations imposed by the Constitution and other laws on the national, provincial and local governments with
regard to health services; and to provide for matters connected therewith.
National Sport and Recreation Amendment Act 18 of 2007
This act provides for the promotion and development of sport and recreation and the relationships between
Sport and Recreation South Africa and the Sport Confederation, national federations and other agencies; to
provide for measures aimed at correcting imbalances in sport and recreation; to provide for measures aimed
at correcting imbalances in sport and recreation; to provide for dispute resolution mechanisms in sport and
recreation; to empower the Minister to make regulations; and to provide for matters connected therewith.
Prevention and Combatting of Corruption Activities Act 12 of 2004
To provide for the strengthening of measures to prevent and combat corruption and corrupt activities; to
provide for the offence of corruption and offences relating to corrupt activities; to provide for investigative
measures in respect of corruption and related corrupt activities; to provide for the establishment and
endorsement of a Register in order to place certain restrictions on persons and enterprises convicted of corrupt
activities relating to tenders and contracts; to place a duty on certain persons holding a position of authority
to report certain corrupt transactions; to provide for extraterritorial jurisdiction in respect of the offence of
corruption and offences relating to corrupt activities; and to provide for matters connected therewith.
Private Security Industry Regulation Act 56 of 2001
To provide for the regulation of the private security industry; for that purpose, to establish a regulatory authority;
and to provide for matters connected therewith. WHEREAS the adequate protection of fundamental rights to life
and security of the person as well as the right not to be deprived of property, is fundamental to the well-being
and to the social and economic development of every person; AND WHEREAS security service providers and the
private security industry in general play an important role in protecting and safeguarding the aforesaid rights;
AND WHEREAS every citizen has the right to freely choose an occupation, including the occupation of security
service provider; AND WHEREAS it is necessary to achieve and maintain a trustworthy and legitimate private
security industry which acts in terms of the principles contained in the Constitution and other applicable law,
and is capable of ensuring that there is greater safety and security in the country;
Short-Term Insurance Act 53 of 1998
To provide for the registration of short-term insurers; for the control of certain activities of short-term insurers
and intermediaries; and for matters connected therewith.
South African Police Service Act 68 of 1955
To provide for the establishment, organisation, regulation and control of the South African Police Service; and to
provide for matters in connection herewith.