Page 42 - INSEA Handbook D1
P. 42
Lift, Escalator and passenger Conveyor Regulations, 2009
The Regulations apply to any person who has a permanent lift, escalator or passenger conveyor on his or her
premises or any person who carries out work on lifts, escalators or passenger conveyors.
Construction Regulations, 2014
According to the Regulation 2 (1); these Regulations are applicable to all persons involved in construction
work. In cases where the construction work carried out is in relation to a single storey dwelling for a client who
intends to reside in such dwelling upon completion thereof.
Driven Machinery Regulations 2015
To help and guide suppliers, contractors, service providers, competent persons and users of driven machinery.
The aim is to explain the provisions of the Driven Machinery Regulations and to stress the principle of self-
Environmental Regulations for Workplaces, 1987
These Regulations cover thermal conditions, ventilation, noise, housekeeping, precautions against flooding and
fire, lighting, and offences and penalties.
Facilities regulations, 2004
The regulation refers to sanitation, facilities for safe keeping, change-rooms, dinning-rooms, prohibition,
drinking water, seats, condition of room and facilities and offences and penalties.
General Administrative Regulations, 2003
General Administrative Regulations determines the administrative procedure of the Occupational Health and
Safety Act.
General Machinery Regulations:
These Regulations shall apply to every employer, employee and self-employed person who carries out work
whilst using machinery at a workplace.