Page 14 - August 2022 CW Magazine
P. 14

Money (or the lack of it) seems to be a common
                                                                      problem  people  face.  It  always  has  been,  and
                                                                      may  very  well  be  for  quite  some  time.  This  is
                                                                      true  for  many  people,  including  the  man,  the
                                                                      myth, the legend himself, Walt Disney.
       HOW WALT                                                       It’s  not  often  that  you  think  of  what  came

       DISNEY                                                         before  Disneyland,  or  how  it  came  to  be.  I’m
                                                                      sure many people assume it came easy and the
                                                                      money  just  flowed.  But  there’s  an  important
       REALLY BUILT                                                   lesson for us today when we try to dissect the
                                                                      rich history that belongs to Walt Disney and his
                                                                      magical  empire,  and  let  me  tell  you,  it  wasn’t
       DISNEYLAND                                                     always so magical.

                                                                      With  only  $750  dollars  in  funds  to  start  his
                                                                      movie company, Walt Disney started looking to
       By  Hannah Kesler                                              conventional  banks  for  a  business  loan.  Not
                                                                      surprisingly,  he  was  turned  down  and  was
                                                                      forced  to  look  elsewhere  for  funding,  or  face
                                                                      giving up his dream.

            THE CONTEMPORARY WOMAN MAGAZINE                              I  14
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