Page 15 - August 2022 CW Magazine
P. 15



                                                                             Hannah Kesler is 2nd generation of
                                                                             the Infinite Banking Concept. This is
                                                                             a method Hannah and her father
                                                                             travel all around the country to
                                                                             teach; how to recycle, recapture,
                                                                             and keep total control of your hard-
                                                                             earned dollars.

                                                                             The Money Multiplier teaches the
                                                                             importance of privatized banking,
                                                                             keeping money in the family and
                                                                             how to break the bonds of financial
                                                                             slavery you don’t even realize you
                                                                             are in.

             It was at this time that Disney realized he needed a creative solution and started thinking "outside the box." He
             then discovered he could take a loan from his life insurance policy to get the funds he needed to start his

             His  little  movie  company  eventually  blossomed  into  the  multi-billion  dollar  company  we  know  today  as
             DisneyLand. The Walt Disney Company now has annual revenues of approximately $35 billion dollars.

             Walt  Disney  isn't  the  only  famous  person  to  use  this  200  year  old  concept  to  generate  wealth.  Ray  Kroc
             (McDonald's), and Leland Stanford (Stanford University) are just a couple more who saw a prosperous future
             by using Infinite Banking strategies.

             Isn't it time you saw what possibilities are in store for you?

                                                                                                     Hanna Kesler
                                                                                             The Money Multiplier

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