Page 4 - August 2022 CW Magazine
P. 4
Corporate Career To
Unlike working for a corporation where you
can drop your responsibilities at the door
when you leave, entrepreneurs' brains never
By Addie Rausch turn off. We are the ones that are responsible
for creating all our business procedures,
I never expected to leave the comforts of documents, and marketing plus all the writing
corporate life with benefits, yearly reviews, and photos that go along with it. In a
structure and retirement. After all, I was corporation most of the tools and processes
promoted and skipped 3 levels of corporate are provided for you.
management and I was on track to move up
the ladder quickly. However, I still chose to Don’t get me wrong, it’s worth it. Being an
quit the healthcare industry and pioneer entrepreneur allows me to create my own
personal development for today’s Teens and hours, so I can be present at school functions
Tweens! and everyday life for my daughter. It also gives
me the opportunity to partner with parents
and schools, to fulfill my passion for helping
Teens and Tweens feel happier, be confident,
and learn to attract authentic success.