Page 6 - August 2022 CW Magazine
P. 6

With Life Skills for Confidence Key Elements,

                            your Teen or Tween will gain these skills:

           BUILD CONFIDENCE so                SELF-LOVE & sense of                  HEALTHY LIVING because
           that they feel good about          purpose for themselves                proper nutrition & fitness
           themselves and stay tuned          discovering their awesome             activity choices are key to
           in instead of withdrawing.         individual qualities which            having a healthy life. When

           Learn the importance of            build self-esteem and                 you’re well & have healthy
           experience gained from             empower them to own their             relationships, life is more
           practicing by engaging with        uniqueness and, focus on              meaningful.
           others.                            their future.

           SOCIAL SKILLS so they can
           interact easily, confidently,
           and with proper etiquette
           in important social settings

           without feeling awkward or         COMMUNICATION since
           insecure.                          success is built through
                                              effectively giving factual
                                              information, listening                COPING SKILLS by
                                              actively, and speaking their          discovering what’s causing

                                              mind kindly- but assertively          the stress and choosing
                                                                                    healthy strategies to
                                                                                    manage it. Learn to
                                                                                    recognize feelings and
                                                                                    thoughts to get a positive

                                                                                    vision of their direction and

                                                                          DON’T GIVE UP!
                                               THAT HAPPY, INTERACTIVE, RESPONSIVE KID IS STILL THERE!
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