Page 6 - January 23 2023
P. 6

You  may  have  already  heard  that  mindset  is

                            BY Shiraz Baboo

                                                                stepping  into  awareness.  You  will  realize
             everything,  but  mindset  can  affect  your  results  Stepping  back  and  looking  around  is
             in  ways  you  don’t  expect.  Three  big  ways  are  that some blocks are created from fear, and
             through  what  I  call  Blocks,  Obstacles  and    you may often realize the true source of that
             Challenges.                                        fear. Other blocks are there to steer you in
                                                                the  right  direction,  but  without  awareness
             Blocks                                             you won’t find this out.

             Blocks  are  things  you  can’t  overcome.  Most   Obstacles
             blocks  are  illusions  that  you  create  to  keep
             yourself small. They seem real enough. You can     You  can  create  a  lot  of  obstacles  while
             look around and see how many other people are      thinking they are challenges. Most often, you
             blocked  by  the  same  or  similar  things.  But  this  create  obstacles  when  you  unconsciously
             typically isn't the case. These blocks justify your  don't want to do something or when you are
             unconscious  story  that  you  need  to  play  small,  trying  to  show  that  something  is  hard.  For
             be  fearful,  or  feel  helpless.  They  prevent  you  instance,  if  you  need  to  show  you  that  you
             from getting to the other side of the block which,  are a hard worker then problems will actually
             on the surface is success, but may involve work,   happen to make your job harder. Please note
             judgment, the unknown, or all of these things.     that  there’s  a  big  difference  between
                                                                knowing you’re a hard worker and needing to
             Think of yourself as a fly trapped inside a house,  show you’re a hard worker. Hard workers just
             trying to get through a closed window. You can     take up the challenge and go. However, if you
             put  more  and  more  effort  into  trying  to  get  worry  that  people  will  think  you  don’t
             through  that  window,  and  nothing  you  do  will  deserve  the  money  or  recognition  you  get,
             make  any  difference.  It  will  feel  so  frustrating,  then you’ll feel that you have to show you’re
             because you can see your goal right in front of    a  hard  worker.  This  is  typically  not  a
             you, but you can’t get there. Many people give up  conscious decision. The result is that things
             on their dreams because of blocks.                 that  could  be  accomplished  easily  and
                                                                joyfully  now  become  a  chore  so  you  can
             Now,  if  you  stopped  trying  to  get  through  the  justify  what  you  have.  People  see  how  hard
             window  and  flew  back  into  the  center  of  the  you work or you can talk about it. Your fear
             room, and then looked around and took in all your  of  judgment  causes  you  to  make  your  life
             options,  you  would  find  that  there  was  a  door  harder  than  it  needs  to  be.  And  you  don’t
             wide  open,  just  a  meter  away  from  the  window,  even realize you’re doing it most of the time.
             and  that  taking  a  different  path  through  that
             door would offer you no resistance whatsoever.

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