Page 7 - January 23 2023
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             When you want to take your life and your skills    Now,  you  may  be  reading  this  and  thinking,
             to  the  next  level,  you  create  challenges.    “But  that  means  my  life  just  keeps  getting
             Challenges  create  growth,  obstacles  do  not.  If  harder  and  harder.”  Then  you’re  in  the  story
             you are not ready for big growth then you have     that  the  more  money  you  make,  the  harder
             small  challenges.  Once  you  start  completing   you  have  to  work.  That’s  just  a  story.
             your  challenges,  you’ll  make  them  bigger  and  Building  your  business  and  making  more
             bigger.                                            money can result in less work for you. It’s all
                                                                about your beliefs.
             The  key  is  to  make  a  challenge  big  enough  to  As  you  move  through  your  life  and  your
             create  growth  but  not  so  big  that  you  are
             overwhelmed.  Most  people  are  creating  small   career,  ask  yourself  where  you’re  creating
                                                                blocks,  obstacles,  and  challenges  and  why.
             challenges, thinking they are big, when they could
             be creating a lot more growth in their lives.      The  why  will  reveal  hidden  limiting  beliefs.
                                                                Then it’s time to remove those beliefs. This
             Trying  ten  times  your  income  may  be  too  big  a  will change your whole reality.
             challenge  for  you  to  start  with,  but  trying  to
             double  your  income  is  probably  doable—most
             people hope for a 2-4% raise each year, so this
             can be a great challenge. Furthermore, once you
             know you can double your income, then you can
             go  five  or  ten  times,  upping  the  challenge  with
             each success.

             Shiraz Baboo, Energetic Magic LLC.
                                   iNETrepreneur Magazine | Page 7
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