Page 14 - July 2022 CW Magazine
P. 14

As  an  inquisitive  child,  I  longed  for  someone’s
                                                                      love,  a  parent,  guardian,  teacher,  anyone  to
                                                                      unconditionally  accept  me.  As  a  teen,  that
                                                                      longing continued. I was prime bait for the boys
                                                                      looking to ‘sow their oats’. I simply learned to be
       HEALING MY                                                     more selective, but it didn’t change anything. I
                                                                      was still longing to be loved.

       SELF                                                           I  would  learn  much  later  that  I  “signed  up  for
                                                                      this”  WAIT!  WHAAAT?!  My  ‘Higher  Self’.  I
                                                                      didn’t learn this until I was 49. I would not have
       IMPOSSED                                                       believed  it  any  sooner.  It  took  all  I  learned
                                                                      about  life  from  my  study  of  the  Bible,  other
                                                                      sacred texts, Quantum Physics/Mechanics, and
       PROJECTION                                                     other  ancient  sciences  to  come  to  accept  and

                                                                      appreciate this as truth.

                                                                      That  was  only  the  beginning;  I  grew  into
                                                                      understanding    that    Unconditional    self-
       By Kimberly Humphreys                                          acceptance was my first duty in life, which when

                                                                      understood  in  the  light  of  ‘Perception  is
                                                                      Projection’  takes  Love  to  New  Heights.  These
                                                                      concepts combined, facilitated the healing of all
                                                                      wounds, past, present, and all future conflicts.

            THE CONTEMPORARY WOMAN MAGAZINE                              I  14
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