Page 12 - July 2022 CW Magazine
P. 12

My Journey of


                                                    and Service

                                                    By Dr. Brittany McCoy

                                                            Growing up the eldest of six children was no sprint,
                                                            but  a  marathon.  A  marathon  which  provided  so
                                                            many  blessings  and  lessons.  Let  me  explain…  The
                                                            discipline  to  be  a  role  model,  the  strength  to
                                                            overcome,  and  the  inspiration  to  transform  lives
                                                            starting with myself.

                                                            By  my  senior  year  in  high  school,  I  was  in  eight
                                                            different   organizations   from    the   Battalion
                                                            Commander in JROTC to the Beta Club (and that’s
                                                            no  exaggeration).  To  put  it  simply,  I  was  an
                                                            entrepreneur  before  I  even  knew  what  it  truly

                                                            In college, I again, got my hands on everything that I
                                                            could,  and  all  of  those  experiences  led  me  to  the
                                                            transformational  coach  that  I  am  today.  Exciting
                                                            right? Well, my journey was not full of flowers or a
                                                            straight path. You see, what I didn’t mention before
                                                            is  that  I  am  a  first-generation  college  student,
                                                            graduate,  doctor,  and  entrepreneur.  I  also  didn’t
                                                            mention  that  even  though  I  managed  so  much,  I
                                                            carried so much anxiety and the burdens of others. I
                                                            cared about what others thought and that was heavy
                                                            to carry as well.

            THE CONTEMPORARY WOMAN MAGAZINE                              I  12
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