Page 8 - July 2022 CW Magazine
P. 8

The  move  to  the  DC  area  was  only  four  short    Decision. A Latin-root word that means to cut-
        months prior to 9-11-01. The day that changed           off  leaving  no  other  option.  In  this  defining
        so  much  for  many,  and  turned  my  personal         moment,  I  had  to  decide  there  was  a  real
        and  professional  life  upside  down.  I  had  new     possibility  of  healing  and  choose  to  fully
        job  duties  that  included  being  a  Mortuary         participate in my own rescue. Next, I had to be
        Officer for a local family whose loved one was          open  to  different  knowledge  about  my
        on the plane that fateful day. The stress was off       medical status, and that conflicted with what I
        the  charts,  and  a  few  months  later  I  was        learned  in  school  and  in  the  medical
        diagnosed with breast cancer in January 2002,           environment.  Shifting  introduced  holistic  and
        a  fight  that  would  last  another  ten  years.       alternative  treatment  options,  and  I’m  happy
        Remember,  I  was  in  the  military,  parenting        to report I’ve now been cancer-free since 2010!
        and building a business/brand for the very first        Finally, I realized that muscles aren’t just built
        time!                                                   in   the    gym.    Intentional    thinking     and
                                                                perseverance are built when growing through
        This journey alone has its own set of twists and        a  situation,  and  remain  for  a  lifetime  in  your
        turns, and near the end, an 11-month to 1-year          toolbox!  What  if  I  would  have  never  taken
        period  filled  with  eight  surgeries  intended  to    these three initial steps? I do believe I very well
        get my body to heal. I was exhausted beyond             may  not  be  alive  today,  as  I  got  to  use  these
        comprehension  at  this  point,  and  wanted  to        tools all over again some 21-months ago when
        give  up  when  it  happened.  A  heavenly              an  unexpected  brain  tumor  showed-up  in
        experience that again changed everything for            October  2020!  Learnings  from  two  decades
        me, and a story for another day. Suffice it to say      prior  were  the  keys  to  healing  again.  Physical
        that  I  heard  the  still  small  voice  loudly  say  to  challenges  or  not,  is  your  remaining  stuck  or
        me, “I’ve Got This!” For the first time in years, I     an  unwillingness  to  apply  these  tools,  killing
        had real hope, a certainty that I would actually        the  dream  only  you  were  divinely  created  to
        make it through the journey. Three key Power            share with the world?
        Tools  emerged  from  this  experience  that  I
        believe  are  foundational  to  running  the  show
        called life.

        Before  revealing  those  Power  Tools,  let’s
        examine a fascinating thing about the human
        mind  and  behavior  -  its  habitual  nature.
        Humans  live  much  of  life  subconsciously,
        meaning  without  really  intentionally  thinking
        or acting. Do you remember that drive to the
        gym or office in detail? Or, perhaps you know
        the  phrase,  “I  could  drive  that  road  in  my
        sleep!” This is true in many areas of our life, and
        thus  challenges  arise  as  a  result.  I  was  at  this
        crossroads  myself  when  Decision,  Shift  and
        Muscle Building arrived on scene.

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